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Aiden POV
Two months later...

Rolling around the bed I let out a big sigh opening my eyes.

It's been like this for the last two months, I would wake up to a empty bed and empty heart.

After Beyoncé suffered the miscarriage she changed.

She wouldn't talk to anyone, she wouldn't let me in she shut everyone out. Some nights I heard her crying but she won't let me help her, she just hit me and goes to another room.

Getting in the shower I washed up then brushed and washed my hair.

Putting on some shorts and some shoes walking downstairs.

Mr. Knowles and I aren't talking like we used to but we aren't at each other necks anymore.

Stepping into the kitchen Beyoncé's back was to me as she grabbed something out the cabinet.

Walking up behind her I put my chin on her shoulder as she flinched turning seeing it was me. My smile faded when she frowned pushing me back.

"Beyoncé! I'm fucking tired of your attitude, I'm trying to be here for you but you keep shutting me out! I lost my son too". I shouted not caring who woke up at the moment.

Knowing what she was about to do I grabbed her hand before it could connect to my face.

"Fuck you, let me go". She shouted before spitting in my face.

Letting her go I saw red roughly pushing her into the wall pinning her as I stared into her dull eyes.

"Get the fuck off me". She screamed as her eyes became glossy.

"No, you can't keep doing this, I love you Beyoncé I know what happen wasn't your fault, we can always try again but stop blaming yourself over something you couldn't control".

Support her as her body fell down the wall she cried on my shoulder as she shook in my hold.

"I-I'm a murder Aiden, I-I killed our son why can't you just go find someone else who can give you what you want?". Grabbing her chin I made her stare at me as she kept trying to move.

"Your not a murder, I don't want anyone but you Beyoncé you can't get rid of me, God will give us another angel when we are ready please just let me love you". I whispered pushing her hair back.

"I-I'm sorry for spitting on you and always hitting you, I'm just angry I couldn't save our baby". She whispered back as I wrapped her arms around her waist.

"C-can I give you something?". My heart was beating fast and my hands gripping at the necklace I had wrapped around my finger.

Feeling her nod I pulled it out my pocket, before opening it.

"Is this mine?". She asked as I nodded. Turning her around I put it around her neck.

"Thank you, it's beautiful". Smiling hard she frowned before my smile faded.

"I don't have one for you though". She pouted as I dug into my other pocket pulling out a similar necklace.

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