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Beyoncé POV

"Hey wait!". He said but I ignored him continuing my walk down the side walk.

Feeling him grab me I turned around about to slap him but he gently grabbed my hand.

"I see someone has a temper". He said smirking as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't need a bodyguard! I can take care of myself". I spat pushing him back.

"Your father told me to watch over you I don't care we have a flight to catch we can do this the easy way or I can treat you like a kid". Looking at him I slowly turned back around walking a bit faster.

"Put me down!". I screamed as he walked with me over his shoulder. "What is wrong with you?!".

"You wanted to be difficult, I'm not about to miss our flight and get a ear full from your father I will put you down if you don't walk away". Gripping his hair he winced putting me down.

Walking up to the Lamborghini he looked at me before opening my door.

"Thank you". I mumbled watching as he walked around to his side.

Looking at him through my peripheral vision I turned the radio on only for him to turn it back off. Turning it back on he looked at me briefly before turning it back off.

"Why can't I listen to the radio?". I asked turning to look at him.

"My car my rules, if you were a bit nicer maybe I would let you but you aren't so no". He smirked as I sighed looking out the window.

"So? Since we are gonna be roommates for the next year I think we should get to know each other". He said as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want to know you, why can't you drop me off at my house then tell my father I don't need you". I said frowning when I heard him chuckle lowly.

"Not gonna happen". He said before turning the car off.

Grabbing my suitcase he looked at me before taking them out my hands.

"Where are your things". I asked not seeing any of his bags. "Don't worry about me just get on the jet". Rolling my eyes I continued to walk up the stairs of the jet.


Turning back around Aiden handed me a water bottle sitting across from me.

"So roommate ready to have the best year ever?!". He asked dancing in his seat.

"I would rather die". I said lowly before looking back out the window.

 I said lowly before looking back out the window

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