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Beyoncé POV

Sucking in a deep breath I lifted my head. Sitting up I rubbed my eyes seeing the back of Aiden's head.

"Stop the car please". I whispered as he hit the breaks.

Opening the car door I puked everywhere. My throat burned as I cried. I tried to stop it but I couldn't.

Aiden rushed over to my side grabbing my hair.

"Beyoncé take a deep breath". He calmly said as I rolled my eyes.

Trying to take a deep breath didn't help because I was gripping my stomach as I threw up more. I was now dry heaving as my head started to spin.

"Shit! Let me go get something for you stay right here I will be right back". He shouted as I blinked the tears away. Looking at the ground I regretted it as I coughed violently as more came up.

I didn't even remember eating this much for all this to come up.

Hearing footsteps Aiden grabbed my hair breathing heavy before he opened the water bottle putting some of it on a towel.

He grabbed my chin making me stare at him as he wiped my mouth then when I noticed his arm was bleeding.

Pointing to his arm he shrugged me off, He handed me the water bottle. Drinking it I spit it back out before he handed me some mouth wash.

"Thank you". I whispered sitting back in my seat.

My head felt like it was about to explode. It also didn't help with my ears ringing.

Touching my head I pulled away looking at the blood on it.

"Don't touch it, I'm gonna find a hotel".

Climbing to the front I sat in the passenger seat putting my head on the window.

"Where's my dad?". I asked pulling out my phone. Of course it cracked.

"Not sure, but he can take care of himself I have us".

Closing my eyes I felt as if I was sleep only for 5 minutes before I was unbuckled my seat belt.

Hearing Aiden sigh he pulled over again as I unlocked the door throwing up again.

"I'm sorry I can't stop throwing up". I cried as I continued to throw up.

"Shit". Aiden said briefly touching my forehead before running to the back of the car.

"It hurts". I whined as I coughed harder.

"I'm gonna call the personal doctor we can't go to the hospital". He said as I nodded.

Washing my mouth out I closed the door rolling my window down.

"Here take this just in case you feel the need to again".

"Here take this just in case you feel the need to again"

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