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Aiden POV

Opening my eyes I stretched looking at the digital clock.


Pushing the covers off me I went into the bathroom.

After taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth,

Last night wasn't supposed to happen like it did. If Mr. Knowles saw what I did with his daughter I would be dead.

Maybe it was the drinks I had but I knew what I did was inappropriate even if Beyoncé would just say it was dancing.

Going downstairs Ty, Aaron and Jay were sleep on the couches. They were past drunk just like Beyoncé,

"Hello sexy". The woman said turning in the chair as I walked further into the kitchen.

"Who are you?". I asked not recognizing her.

"I'm with him". She pointed to a sleeping Tyler.

Nodding I went into the fridge grabbing some fruit before mixing it all into a bowl.

Putting it on the table I grabbed some pans before walking over to the couch repeatedly banging them against each other until they all shot up.

"What the hell Aiden!". Jay hissed slowly getting up.

"It's not my fault y'all hung over". I shrugged grabbing the bowl and water going upstairs.

Opening her door I put the bowl by the tv before going into her bathroom, Smelt like strawberries. Going into her medicine cabinet I grabbed some pills for her headache I knew she was gonna have.

Grabbing the bowl and water I put it on her nightstand, She looked peaceful smiling, beautiful even. Mentally slapping myself I needed to stop talking like that about her.

 Mentally slapping myself I needed to stop talking like that about her

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Tapping her arm her eyes slowly opened, she gave me a small smile.

Not wanting to talk loud I grabbed the bottle water opening it before I held my hand out with the two pills in it.

She sat up grabbing them before taking them with the water.

She looked at me before pointing to the nightstand. Looking around she was pointing to a hair tie handing it to her she put her hair in a messy bun before getting up.

Watching her go into the bathroom I decided to make her bed for her and turn the lights on and television, Sitting on the edge of her bed facing the wall I felt her arms wrap around my neck before I turned to face her.

She looked even better without makeup. "Is this for me?". She softly asked as I nodded handing her the fruit bowl.

Watching her eat she smiled at me before picking up a strawberry. I shook my head no. I made the fruit bowl for her not me, She frowned before putting it to my mouth again this time I opened my mouth letting her feed it to me.

"See that wasn't so hard was it?". She asked putting the empty bowl down. "Thank you". I said as she kissed my cheek.

Getting up to leave she grabbed my arm.

"Have you seen my phone?". Shaking my head she sighed in frustration.

"I think I lost it at the club". She mumbled looking at the bed.

"Fuck Beyoncé! someone could of picked it up and if it was one of them they could easily get into it and find who you are". I shouted quickly standing up.

"I'm sorry, but that was dumb you could of kept it for me!". She screamed, watching as she lay down she turned her back to me.

Going downstairs I stood by the couch.

"Aaron, I need you to track beyoncé's phone, we gonna see where's it's at they may have it". I said as he got up following me to the basement.

 I said as he got up following me to the basement

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Thank you for reading my book... my head hurts so bad lol

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