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Beyoncé POV...
A week later....

Hearing multiple beeping sounds and talking I tried to turn on my side only to hiss in pain hearing the beeping increase. "She's awake". Someone said as my eyes open seeing a white ceiling.

I immediately felt pain in my stomach and in between my legs.

Tears ran down my face, I couldn't wrap my mind around it.

"Beyoncé?". James whispered making me flinch as I wiped my eyes.

Looking down I saw needles in my arms and the different machines I was in a hospital.

My eyes darted around the room seeing James holding Munchie and some doctors and nurses.

"They checked you out, and everything's alright down there I'm so sorry I didn't come in sooner I should of killed him". He mumbled as I cried into his chest.

"C-can I have my dog now?". I lowly asked as I tried to clear my throat. "And some water?". He nodded gently putting Munchie on my lap before leaving the room.

The nurse walked up to my bed holding a chart in his clipboard.

"Hello Ms. Knowles, I have some good and bad news". He said before I moved my legs so he could sit down.

"What's the bad news". Wiping the tears I tried to calm down but I just couldn't.

"Your cervix is damaged due to what happened, but we were able to stop the bleeding and save your baby".

"B-baby?". I whispered not believing it.

"Yes, your baby, if you want we can do a ultrasound for you".

Nodding she smiled before leaving the room. Looking down at Munchie his tail wagged after as he noticed I was smiling at him.

"Hi my baby". I cooed running my fingers through his fur.

"Here's your water". Taking the water I drank more before putting it beside the stand.

"Are you alright?". James asked as I stopped removing my hands from Munchie as more tears built up in my eyes.

"No". I whispered my voice cracking as I felt arms wrap around me.

"Are you ready to see your bundle of joy?". Slightly jumping I pulled away from James my eyes focused on the doctor.

"Is this the father?". Shaking my head I lifted my shirt waiting for her to do everything.

"Let's hear the heartbeat". My eyes darted everywhere but the screen I was terrified it wouldn't one.

"Here's your baby". She turned around smiling at me.

"James? Can you go get me some food from the cafeteria?". I whispered as he nodded.

Clicking the button the nurse came in. "Do you have a phone I can use?". She nodded before handing me the hospital's phone.

Dialing Aiden's number my heart hammered I didn't want to get caught.

"Hello?". Aiden asked not sure who was calling.

"Baby". Beyoncé choked out as her eyes darted to the door.

"Beyoncé?!". Aiden shouted putting the phone on speaker running to his computer.

Aiden plugged his phone into his computer trying to get the location on it.

"Baby? Where are you". Aiden asked seeing his computer couldn't her location, because it was blocked.

Hearing a clicking noise Beyoncé looked up seeing Erza with a smirk on his face.

"I'm in Brazil! Please find me". Beyoncé shouted before Erza punched her back grabbing and ending the car.

"You never listen! You just keep trying me". Erza whispered tracing his fingers down my arm.

"Get the fuck away from me!". I shouted flinching back.

Whimpering when his hand roughly grabbed my chin I tried to push him back but that pissed him off more.

"Your little so called boyfriend won't be able to save you in time". He whispered letting me go opening and slamming the door.

Gripping at my necklace I pulled the covers over me before turning to the wall.

"Beyoncé?". James said hearing a chair close to my bed I turned to him trying to wipe my eyes. Of course he noticed.

"Who the fuck hit you?". He shouted as I jumped in fear,

Ignoring his question I grabbed the fork attempting to grab some of the salad.

"Was it Erza Beyoncé?". He softly asked as I looked at him before nodding.

"I'm killing his punk ass".

"I'm killing his punk ass"

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