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Beyoncé POV

"Beyoncé wake up". Aiden whispered as I ignored him turning away from him.

Feeling his hand creep on my thigh I slightly jumped when he pinched it.

Turning to face him I kicked him off the bed.

"That hurt, you didn't have to do that". I said rubbing the red spot on my thigh.

"I've been trying to wake you up for 10 minutes now".

Grabbing his phone off the night stand I turned the brightness down before it blinded me.

My eyes almost shot out my skull. "It's 4:30 AM?!". I shouted turning to face him.

"Yes, get up and get some working out clothes on I will meet you downstairs". He said getting up as I turned over going back to sleep.


Gasping for air I looked around seeing I was in the bathroom in the tub.

"You could of been nice and just woke me back up you know". I said through gritted teeth.

Getting out the tub I turned the shower on.

"Get out". He stood there with his arms folded smiling at me.

Pushing him out the bathroom I took my shower.

Wrapping the towel around my body I opened the door seeing clothes on the bed.

Putting them on I went back into the bathroom brushing my teeth.

Putting them on I went back into the bathroom brushing my teeth

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Putting my hair in a bun I grabbed my shoes putting them on.

Running downstairs I stopped when I saw them eating without me.

"Why the long face babydoll?". Aaron asked before eating more bacon.

"Here, I didn't forget about your plate". Aiden said as I smiled softly at him.

"You have one dimple? That's different". Jay said as I smiled sitting in a chair.

Before I could grab my fork my plate was moved over as I glared at Aiden.

"Sit on my lap". He said as I shook my head.

"Give me my plate please".

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