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Aiden POV

"Aiden please wake up". Jolting up Beyoncé looked up at me as tears ran down her face.

"People are downstairs I heard guns going off but I was to scared to go downstairs". She whispered as I heard a clicking noise by the door.

"Go get some clothes on and go to the garage and don't come out until I come get you". She nodded softly kissing me before going to the closet.

Grabbing my gun from under the pillow I turned the safety off before walking to the door shooting through the door.

Opening it I knew it was them because of the masks they had on.

Jay ran up out of breath. "Mr. Knowles said get her out of here we got this". I nodded seeing black smoke.

Going into my room I grabbed a duffle bag putting some money, guns and some clothes inside before I ran to her room pushing her wall.

Hearing Beyoncé screams I ran to the garage pulling my gun out I put my duffle bag down.

"No stop". I heard her scream followed by another scream.

Going behind them I shot the man in the head as he fell down. Grabbing Beyoncé I saw the bruise forming in her face, Softly putting her in the back I grabbed my bag pushing the bottom to open the garage. Pushing the petal I ducked as bullets hit the windshield and tires.

Grabbing my ringing phone I answered without looking at the caller ID. "Is she okay?". Her father asked as I put it on speaker. "Aiden?". He shouted as I made a sharp turn.

"Sir, she is alright I have her and are you guys alright?". I asked looking over my shoulder at Beyoncé.

"Don't worry about us, just protect her until I call you back, after this call destroy your phone". He said ending the call I threw my phone out the window as I continued to drive.

 He said ending the call I threw my phone out the window as I continued to drive

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heyyyy.... thanks for reading & voting on my book

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now