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Aiden POV

Taking my eyes off the basketball game, Beyoncé sat by me with nothing on but a Jersey.

"Good morning bitch". She said blowing me a kiss,

"Beyoncé where are you clothes?!". I asked moving away from her.

She laughed before scooting closer sitting in my lap. "What are you doing beyoncé ?". I asked as she gently took the controller out my hand.

"I want to whoop your ass in mortal kombat so start it up". She said looking back at me.

"Your choosing kitana?". I asked after she clicked on her.

Beyoncé look at me before turning back around hitting me with her hair in the process.

"Yes, she is my favorite, now chose someone". She said as I looked over everyone before choosing Sub Zero.


Watching as she jumped up and started dancing I grabbed my phone recording it.

"So now that I've won, guess what you can do for us?". She asked smirking, "What". I asked looking up at her,

"Make us breakfast, I can't cook I can't even boil water". She softly said as I chuckled lowly.

"That's gonna have to change, since I'm making it you can watch me". I said before pulling her into the kitchen with me.


Pushing her chair out I waited until she sat before pushing it in. "Thank you". She said before grabbing her fork.

Looking up at she moaned in delight she looked at me before drinking some of her orange juice. "This is really good". She said as I smirked. "I know it is I'm a beast in the kitchen". I said wiping the invisible dust off my shoulders.

"Go get the door while I go get the remote". She said as I now heard the door.

Grabbing my gun from under the table I slowly walked opening the door.

Nobody knew where we are so I had to be ready at any time to protect her.

Opening the door I put it away when Shawn pushed through the door.

"You was about to shoot me?". His laughing came to an halt making me look over my shoulder.

Beyoncé was walking back to the kitchen still in just the Jersey without any pants on,

"Damn, she is so fine". Jay whispered as Aaron and Ty agreed.

"Keep your eyes to yourself". I gritted out as he put his hands up in surrender.

"The boss man let us stay here for the week". Aaron said before walking in the kitchen.

Beyoncé was reaching for a cup on the top shoulder. I held back my laugher seeing her struggle to grab it.

"Move over shorty". I teased grabbing it before pulling her into the side.

"Jay, Aaron and Ty are here for the week, I need you to go put some pants on or some shorts something". I begged as she nodded putting the cup on the table.

"Pour me some juice". She said as I opened the bottle of orange juice.

"Thank you". I said before turning back around seeing them with a smirk on their face.

"Beyoncé and Aiden sitting in a tree". Jay sang making Aaron and Ty join in as I grabbed my phone sitting back down.

"She is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal". Ty said as they nodded. "I'm thicker than what?". Beyoncé asked walking into the kitchen wearing some shorts that didn't help at all.

"Nothing". Ty said quickly as she stared at him walking towards the table.

"Here, you want my seat?". I asked seeing their wasn't any more at the table.

"Nope, I found one". She said sitting on my lap.

Ty, Jay and Aaron looked at me with wide eyes before smirking.

"This is so good". She moaned softly dancing in my lap.

Grabbing her waist I stopped her movements. "What's wrong?". She whispered softly.

"Stay still please". I whispered back feeling eyes on us.

"We are gonna go hook up our station". They said before leaving out the kitchen.

"Why you don't want me to move like this". She said before moving gently.

When a groaned slipped past my lips I wanted to punch myself.

I should of never let myself get into something like this

"What's poking me?". She asked giggling softly.

"I'm telling your father, your being bad". I said by her ear.

Feeling her shift in my hold I let her go before getting up quickly going to take a shower.

Feeling her shift in my hold I let her go before getting up quickly going to take a shower

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