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"Y'all ready?". Aiden shouted to everyone as they all nodded grabbing their guns, explosives, and vests.

Everyone got into the amour cars and started the way to Giovanni's mansion.

Meanwhile Beyoncé was in panic as the banging continued on the bathroom door.

"Open this fucking door". Erza shouted as Beyoncé wrapped her arms around her belly.

"I'm not fucking playing with you Beyoncé!". Erza screamed hitting it once more leaving out her room.

"I guess I will just wait to kill you". Erza shouted before pulling his gun out shooting the door several times.

Beyoncé stayed in the bathroom with the lights off silently crying.

Aiden, Jay, Ty sat in the back looking at the cameras of the front of the house.

"Let's go!". Ty shouted as everyone jumped shooting the outside guards with silent ap pistols.

"I'm going to get Beyoncé". Aiden shouted to Mr. Knowles.

Aiden threw several smoke bombs dodging and shooting the different men until he made it upstairs.

"Beyoncé!". Aiden shouted not hearing anything.

"If it isn't my son Aiden". Giovanni said as Aiden turned around in disbelief.

"Your supposed to be fucking dead!". Aiden shouted grabbing his AK-47.

"Boy! Don't you ever shout at me before I knock your teeth out ya throat". Giovanni shouted as Aiden balled fist up.

"I'm not your boy". He angrily screamed dropping the gun before charging at Giovanni.

They faught back and fourth ignoring the guns shots and the constant rumbling of the house.

Hearing a familiar scream caught Aiden off guard resulting in giovanni getting in a jab to Aiden's right jaw before he flipped them off each other.

"No stop". Beyoncé screamed when the door was kicked down.

Shielding her stomach, Erza didn't understand why when he would punch or smack her she would protect her stomach.

Beyoncé was nearly nine months but she wasn't showing as much as she should.

James was the only one who knew she was pregnant and he promised to never tell anyone.

But at the moment she didn't know what his father did to him and only hoped he was still alive and breathing.

Erza dragged Beyoncé out the bathroom by her hair which grew a lot over the course of the almost year and half she been in the house.

Beyoncé gripped his hand trying to loosen his grip but he only held harder making her whimper and scream in pain.

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