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Beyoncé POV

"Get up!". Someone shouted startling me as I held my head. "Look at me". He shouted.

Wincing when nails were dug into my arm I looked up at the man with tears running down my face.

"I see my son actually got you". He said as I tired to get out his painful grip.

"Stop moving, I don't wanna hurt you but I will".

Wiping my tears I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. I felt like throwing up so that's what I did.

"James! What did you give her!? Bring her some water". He shouted as I whimpered at how loud he was being.

Hearing small barking noises I looked around knowing it was Munchie. Before I could ask I flinched back when his cold fingers came in contact with my forehead.

"W-where's my dog?". I whispered trying to clear my throat.

"That little bitch bit my finger so he's somewhere". He shook his head before turning around getting up.

"James, where the fuck is the water at?". He yelled again. Pushing his arm away I turned away from him throwing up again.

"Here, take a drink some of this". Trying to hold the cup I couldn't due to my hands shaking so I put my hands in my lap looking down.

This time he gently grabbed my chin helping me wash my mouth out.

"You have such beautiful eyes". He whispered before letting my face go.

My eyes went wide when I saw the needle he pulled out so I tried to get up but my legs failed me making me fall again.

"It's just to make you sleep". He softly said as I shook my head trying to get away.

Screaming out in pain I tried to push his arm away but my eyes fluttered close.


Jolting up I held my head as it hammered before wiping my eyes.

"The sleeping beauty is finally awake". Startled I couldn't see anything but darkness.

The lights turned on making my eyes go wide as I was chained to the bed.

"You must be hungry, I brought you some food". Looking up he stood over me holding a plate. Shaking my head I pushed the plate away.

"Eat the fucking food! I'm not leaving until you do". He shouted angrily as tears ran down my face.

"Dad, just go I have her". James said pushing him away.

Hearing the door slam I slightly jumped before I slowly looked into James eyes.

"W-where am I?". I asked as my throat burned.

"The basement". He said back taking the plate out my hand.

Wiping my tears I looked around not seeing Munchie. "Where is my puppy?". He smiled softly before shaking his head.

"I'm gonna make you some more food, and get you a room upstairs". Grabbing his hand when he got out the chair I shook my head.

"Don't leave me". I begged as he sighed.

"I will be right back". He whispered as I slowly let his arm go.


Before I could protect myself he angrily walked downstairs gripping my hair flipping me onto the floor as I gasped for air.

Screaming out in pain I tried to protect my side and face.

"I should just kill you, make Matthew feel how I did, or maybe I can make you my sex slave". Pushing his hand back I didn't make it far due to the chain.

"Don't ever pull away from me you got it?". He whispered yanking me back towards him.

"I wanna taste you". Shaking my head he gripped my wrist forcing his tongue in my mouth.

"Giovanni!". James shouted pushing him off me as I put my knees to my chest burying my face in my knees.

"Don't you ever call me out my name!". Hearing a gun going off I jumped up seeing James holding his shoulder as Giovanni walked upstairs.

Moving over to James he held his shoulder before pushing my hand away.

Watching him unlock me I tried to stand but fell to the ground. Taking a deep breath I grabbed his hand following closely behind him as we walked through the dark hallways.

He stopped at a door before opening it closing it turning the light on.

"Go wait in the bathroom". Doing as I was told I sat on the edge of the tub.

A smile formed on my face as I reached for Munchie. "Put him down for a second, let me help clean your face up I got some clothes for you on the bed".

"I'm sorry about my father". James whispered as I hissed as he dapped my busted lip.

"I could of done this, your shoulder is still bleeding". I whispered as he shook me off.

"Let me finish". Grabbing Munchie I let him clean my face up.

"All done". He said stepping back.

 He said stepping back

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