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Beyoncé POV
Later that night..

"I'm bored, let's go somewhere". I asked watching as they all played the game while I looked through my snapchats.

"Just go to your room and come back then you have went somewhere". Aiden said before I hit him in the chest.

They laughed as I got up and unplugged the PlayStation.

"We were in the middle of a game! Bee what are doing?". Ty asked putting his controller on the coffee table.

"I wanna go to a club, so everyone go get ready". I said walking up the stairs.


"Beyoncé you ready?". Aiden asked as I turned around quickly grabbing my towel.

"Oh shit I'm sorry I should of knocked, just come downstairs when your ready". Nodding I went back into the bathroom.


"About time". Ty said as I rolled my eyes.

Aiden walked up to me pulling me into the kitchen.

"Where are the rest of your clothes?". He whispered as I pushed him forward.

"Let's go and stop trying to be my father let up a bit". Smiling at him I grabbed and squished his cheeks together.

"Don't do that". He said hitting my hands away.

As we walked to the door I tripped Aiden he turned glaring at me.

About to get in the car I almost fell forward when I felt a sting on my behind.

"Did you just pinch my ass?". I asked trying to hold in my laugh. Aiden only pushed me inside.

"I'm ready to get turnt tonight". Aaron shouted as I nodded dancing in my seat.

Once the car stopped I was the first to get out only to be pulled back.

"You wait for me before you go running in there you don't know who could be watching". He whispered grabbing my hand.

I smiled hard when we enter the club.

"We're gonna go upstairs and find a booth". They yelled over the music as I nodded going to the bar.

Sitting down Aiden sat next to me.

"Don't you drink to much, I don't need to be watching 4 grown adults". He said closely to my ear before moving back turning to his water bottle,

6 drinks later I was more than tipsy, looking around the club I spotted the boys dancing with some random girls.

Turning to Aiden he was on his phone texting away until I snatched it away.

"Beyoncé? What are you doing! I'm trying to text your father". He shouted back trying to reach for it but pulled it closer to my side.

"Stop playing, give me the phone back". Shaking my head I put it in my bra smirking.

"Let's dance". I said standing up almost falling. "Thank you". Aiden nodded letting my arm go.

"I don't dance". Frowning at him I grabbed his hand pulling him to the dance floor.

"Just stand here, I will dance on you and when you feel the need to move do it alright?". I said as he nodded.


An hour later we were basically dry humping each other as I grind my behind into his front.

If something would of happened no one would have had a clue it only looked as we were dancing.

Pushing Aiden on the wall I looked up at him before pulling him closer to me.

Turning back around he pulled me closer as I continued to dance against him as the song changed he met me half way.

Moaning softly I pulled away turning to see him breathing hard.

"How was that?". I asked smiling as I helped him fix himself.

Brushing my hand by his pants he grabbed my hand pushing it away.

"You aren't as stiff as I thought you were".

"You aren't as stiff as I thought you were"

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