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Beyoncé POV

"I thought I was gonna have to come get you again". Aiden said as I walked down the stairs.

Rolling my eyes at how dramatic he is I wasn't even in the shower that long.

"Are you ready or not?". I asked grabbing my phone off the counter.

"What are you wearing?". He asked as I turned around with a raised eyebrow.

"Clothes". I said annoyed. "It's Texas what do you expect?". I spat staring up at him.

"You're showing to much skin, go change". He said pointing to the stairs.

Looking behind me I knew he wasn't talking to me instead I grabbed his hand before dragging him out the door.


Getting out the car I felt something wet on my cheek. "It's about to rain". He said looking up at the sky.

Grabbing a cart I stopped when Aiden grabbed my arm.

Looking at him he smirked before taking off his jacket.

"What are you doing?". I asked when he starting climbing inside the cart.

"Being lazy, like you". He said turning to face me.

"Are you gonna push us? This store is open 24 hours so we can wait here until you decide to". He said smirking at me.

Pushing through the aisle I stopped down the fruit aisle. "Hand me the apples". He said pointing to them. Following his finger I looked at him before walking away.

"Really Beyoncé'!?". I heard him yelled as I grabbed the bread giggling lowly.

"Get in I will push you now". He said as I shook my head.

"I'd rather walk". I said putting the bread inside the cart.

He walked over to me before picking me up making me scream out in surprise.

"I don't trust you, you might push the cart over with me inside or crash me into something". I said holding onto the side when he started to push the cart forward.

"Calm down I'm not gonna do that". He said looking down at me.

I raised my eyebrow as he laughed before he started pushing the cart faster through the aisle as my body wildly moved around.

"Aiden! Stop". I shouted as he kept going as people watched us either laughing or shaking their heads.

He stopped in the gaming aisle before he looked down at me.

"You have fun?". He teased as I grabbed his shoulder getting out the cart.

"Don't ever do that again or I will take you out myself". I said as he turned to me.

"What you gonna use?". He asked as I glared at him.

"Why do you have so many playstation games?". I asked as he put more into the cart.

"So I won't die of boredom".

"Let's go get some nerf guns now, I can practice my shots on your forehead". He said before I hid my forehead behind my hand.

"Your not funny". I mumbled running his ankles over with the cart.

 I mumbled running his ankles over with the cart

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