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Aiden POV

"My body hurts so bad". She said as I lay next to her. "You didn't have to slam me on the mat like that". She spat glaring over at me

"You want a massage?". I asked as she looked over at me.

"You know how them correctly?". She asked as I nodded.

"I'm not just a bodyguard, I have a few tricks up my sleeves so do you want one?".

"Yes, keep the lights off I want to sleep". She softly said yawning.

Watching her take her robe off I thought about just helping her muscles instead of the other things.

"Lay on your stomach". She did as she was told. Working my magic I felt her back muscles relax, she sighed in delight.

"You are a miracle worker". She moaned as I pushed harder on her back.

"I guess I need to get hurt more so I can get these". She softly said as I went down stopping at her behind.

"What's wrong? Why you stop, can I turn over now". She asked as I gently pushed her back over.

"Do you feel better now?". I asked staring down at her.


Omniscient ; grab da holy water sis...

Theo stared at Beyoncé, feeling uneasy he moved to lay next to her, Beyoncé wrapped her legs around him almost making him land on top of her body.

She muffled her moan biting down on her lip, the both of them keeping eye contact.

"What are you doing Beyoncé?". He softly asked laying on his back, she didn't answer instead pulling the covers back straddling his body.

"Kiss me". She softly said leaning towards him, Theo stared at her his eyes zooming in on her lips before he captured them. They began slowly kissing, beyoncé moaned softly feeling his tongue massage gently against hers.

Theo pulled away, Beyoncé licking her lips. "Beyoncé we can't be doing things like this". He whispered as she rolled her eyes. "What my father doesn't know won't hurt him, loose up". She softly said trailing kisses down his neck.

"B-but Beyoncé I could seriously get in trouble for this". He stressed as she licked her hand before sticking it inside his shorts making his eyes roll back.

Beyoncé hands softly went up and down, biting her lip she leaned forward pecking his lips.

"He's not gonna find out, we're keeping this between us got it?". She asked as he fluttered his eyes open nodding.

Beyoncé pulled away scooting back, pulling her shirt off she threw it across the room. Pulling his shorts down, she moaned feeling him brush against her most sensitive part.

"You sure about this?". He asked as she lined herself up with him. "Mhm". She said slowly taking him in.

Throwing her head back in Ecstasy, she slowly began moving on him as her loud moans and his low groans filled the room.

"You trust me baby?". She softly asked interlocking their fingers.

Theo heart hammered as he looked up at her, she had him wrapped around her finger.

He nodded as she began bouncing on him, sitting up, Theo's back was against the back board.

Wrapping his arms around her sweaty skin, he began kissing anywhere his lips would land tipping her over the edge.

"Fuck baby". Beyoncé softly said digging her nails into his shoulder blades, Theo held her neck tightly slamming her back into the bed before thrusting into her faster.

Their skin slapping against each other echoed throughout the room.

Beyoncé eyes rolled back, her body arching off the bed as her juices flowed down onto the comforter.

Theo felt himself twitch, before he could do anything Beyoncé's hand touched his chest. "It's okay I trust you, plus I'm on the pill". She softly said as he leaned down kissing her passionately coming inside her.

Beyoncé body jolted, her body feeling numb as she came again. Her chest heaving up and down.

Theo gently pulled out, lay on his back beyoncé snuggled into his arm. Her face in his neck. Feeling her lips kiss his neck, he stared up at the ceiling hearing her soft snores by his ear.

"What the hell was I thinking!?". He asked himself as he pulled her body closer to his.

 He asked himself as he pulled her body closer to his

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