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Aiden POV
A month later...

Turning the water off I opened the bathroom door going over to her side.

"Beyoncé, I made you a bath, wake up". I whispered as she slowly opened her eyes.

Over the past month it's been peaceful. There hasn't been any threats and I've gotten closer to Beyoncé, Her father checks in more frequently I leave out the part where I blow his daughter's back out.

"Carry me I'm tried". Picking her up I sat her on the sink helping her take her clothes as she smiled sleepy, Gently putting her in the tub she sank down as I walked out going to my shower.

Putting on some shorts and a rockets jersey I put on some nikes beyoncé convinced me to wear.

Going downstairs I smirked at her as she turned around.

Going downstairs I smirked at her as she turned around

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"What are you burning up?". I asked wrapping my arms around her. "I made you cereal". She said handing me the bowl.

I will give her an A for effort. Sitting in the chair I pulled her on my lap as she ate her cereal.

"We have to go get some new phones, and get some more food we're are almost out". I said eating a spoon full of coco puffs.

"I see you finally wore the outfit I got for you". She said looking me up and down.

"Yeah, might want to take a picture I feel weird without a suit on". I teased as she smiled kissing the side of my head.

"I'm gonna match you". She said before getting up as I slapped her behind watching it jiggle.

"Stop doing that, it hurts your so heavy handed". She pushed my hand away hitting the back of my head.


Turning the car off we arrived at the mall. They had a phone store in here also. "Can I get on your back?". Bending down she hopped on my back wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Where to first?". I asked walking through the automatic doors. "Let's go get some phones".

Turning slightly around I felt Beyoncé's pigtails on my neck as she laid her head on me as I continued to walk through the mall.

"Hello Welcome to At&t I'm Travis what can I help you with?". He asked. "We need new phones, can you show me the iPhones". He nodded following behind him I heard beyoncé's soft snores.

"We have the iPhone 7,8 and X here are any of these alright?". Looking them over I nodded to the X plus I needed a big phone.

"Do you have black?". I asked as he nodded. "Do you want 128gb?". Nodding he went to the back.

"And what would she want?".

"Give me a second I will be right back".

Going to the tables I sat her down in a chair.

She yawned stretching before rubbing her eyes.

"You always going to sleep on me". I said looking her over,

"Hello pretty lady, now that your awake which iPhone would you like?". Gritting my teeth I watched them walk away.

Why was I acting like this? Maybe I was jealous I would never tell her that

"Aiden come here please". She said as I turned around pushing the chair in.

Walking up to her she pointed to the 8 you got the 8?". She asked as I shook my head.

"I got the X".

She turned to Travis as he smiled hard. "I want the 8 in rose gold". He nodded going to the back to get them.

"Let's go pick a case out".

After I paid for everything beyoncé whined asking for me to let her back on my back because she was tired.

"I'm hungry let's get something to eat". She said pointing to the Panda Express.

Waiting in line I was bumped by a man who looked at me.

"Watch where your going". He loudly said before walking away. Hearing giggling I shook my head. Putting her down her face lit up.

After eating and getting ice cream it was night time now and Beyoncé was still shopping around,

"The mall will be closing in 10 minutes ". Silently thanking God Beyoncé turned to me in tears.

"Why are you crying for?". She shrugged as workers stared at us as she cried harder.

"I want food". She choked out as I grabbed her bags interlocking our hands.

"You just ate". I said walking us to the front of the mall.

"But I want more now". She softly said looking over at me.

Putting the bags in the back I opened her door.

"I want some wahlburgers". Nodding I made a U turn going to the closest one.

"What do you want?". I asked as she looked at me before smiling.

"I want a #1 and a #5 but without the drink and a milkshake". Turning to her she stared back at me.

"Is that all?". Turning back to her she bit her lip. "Can I get some cookies?". I nodded as she smiled. "Thank you baby".

 "Thank you baby"

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