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Aiden POV

Opening the front door we all walked in before I closed it.
"Where's Aiden?". I heard Beyoncé ask as I walked around the living room going upstairs.

Going into my room I went to my desk. Looking over the letter I already called Mr. Knowles telling him what's been going on.

"So what are we gonna do?". Ty asked sitting down. "We wait, if they try anything we will be ready simple". Jay said as I nodded.

"You gonna help beyoncé, teach her how to fight and use a gun you can't be with her always what if they come and we aren't here or they try to kidnap her she has to be able to defend herself". Aaron said as I sat there in thought.

Ty turned around making me look before looking back at the paper.

The door closed but I knew she was still in the room.

"Are you mad at me?". She softly asked as I fought to keep my face straight.

I stayed quiet trying to figure out what the letter meant.

My body slightly moved before I only saw the back of her as she sat on my lap before pushing the chair back to the desk. She always smelt so good.

She grabbed the paper out my hand but I grabbed it back before I heard her suck her teeth.

"I'm sorry, I know I was being irresponsible with loosing it and then acting like a child, I know what I did was dumb and now I could get us all killed for it, I wasn't thinking and I understand if you hate me now". She said as I sat up more when I heard sniffing. Before I could turn her around she got out the chair going to the door.


An hour later...

Slamming my hands on the desk I pulled my jacket off me. Getting out my chair I took my shoes off leaving me in my socks as I walked to her room.

"Beyoncé?". I asked knocking. Hearing nothing I opened the door seeing the tv on. Going further into her room I saw her bathroom door open.

Walking into the bathroom I saw her in the tub with her eyes closed,

She opened her eyes before looking up at me blankly.

"I'm not mad at you". I said as she just stared at me. Clearing my throat I pulled a chair closer to the tub.

"I'm gonna have to train you now, I know you have no background in combat so I'm just gonna have to do it just as a precaution just in case I'm not around if something happens". She only stared at me before going under the water.

"Can you hand me the towel on the sink". Turning around I grabbed it for her before putting the chair back standing back with the towel opened.

Keeping my eyes on her face she stepped into it as I let go. "Thank you". She said turning back around pulling the drain out.

"Can you actually say something, I know I was rude and I'm sorry but I don't want to see you hurt and I have a job and I must keep you safe, these people will kill you without a second thought you have to be more careful". I said following behind her.

She dropped her towel going into the big closet.

She walked back in sitting on the bed.

"Beyoncé?". I asked sitting in front of her.

She stared at me before patting the side of her bed. "You want me to lay by you?". I asked as she nodded.

Pulling the covers back I pulled my pants and shirt off before getting in the bed.

"It's okay, I won't do anything like that again". She finally said before laying her head on my chest.

"Why do I keep doing things like this, I'm supposed to be your bodyguard not do this". I whispered more to my self as I heard her breathing even out.

Pulling her closed I closed my eyes pulling her closer to me

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