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Aiden POV

Turning the car off I parked. Pulling the burner phone out I called Marlene asking her to meet us here.

Getting off the call I grabbed our bags before closing the door.

Going inside four season I went to the desk waiting for someone to help me.

"Hello handsome, what can I do for you today?". She asked pushing her chest out more as I cringed mentally,

"I need a penthouse suit". I said pulling out the correct amount of cash.

"For how many days?". She asked looking over the computer.

"For about 3 weeks". She nodded typing away before handing me two keycards.

Running to the elevator I clicked on the fourth floor waiting impatiently.

As soon as the doors open I went to my room unlocking it. Turning on all the lights I put our bags on the bed before closing the door running downstairs. I took the stairs because the elevator was taking to long.

Going back to the car I let out the breath I was holding when she was still in the same spot I left her in.

Picking her up I closed and locked the door before walking back inside.

"It's a shame your taken I could of shown you a great time". Glaring at the lady I turned to face her completely.

"If you want to keep your job I suggest you shut the hell up and do you job instead of trying to be the hotel hoe". I whispered not wanting to wake Beyoncé.

Getting off the elevator I opened the door laying her on the bed.


Undressing her leaving her in her panties and bra I went to take a shower.

Grabbing a towel I wrapped it around me as I brushed my teeth before opening the door.

Sighing I walked over to her as she threw up in the trash can.

Rubbing her back I put her hair in a high ponytail.

"I will be right back, Marlene is coming soon to see what's wrong". Going to the main floor I looked around trying to find some soda.

Finding a machine I brought a sprite and got some crackers.

Going into the bathroom I grabbed a towel wetting it before wiping her forehead off as she sighed. "It's hurts". She softly said.

"Here, maybe this will help I'm not much of a doctor". Watching her she slowly walked over to me laying on lap.

Turning her to face me I grabbed her face. She looked sickly, hopefully Marlene could figure out what was wrong because I felt bad that I couldn't help much.

Opening the soda I pulled backwards so she looked at me. Handing her the drink she pushed it away before laying her face back in my neck.

"Beyoncé, you have to stay hydrated, just take a couple sips please". Not getting a response I put the soda on the nightstand.

Kissing her forehead I laid her on my chest as I laid my back on the wall watching tv.


Putting her head on the pillow I grabbed my gun going to open the door.

"Hey". Marlene said as I opened the door letting her step inside.

"Thank you for helping, she's in there". I said looking around the hallway,

"Can you wake her up? I'm gonna go use the bathroom". Lightly shaking her, beyoncé's eyes opened before she closed them again.

"Marlene's here wake up so she can help you". I said as she slowly got up.

"My stomach hurts". She said lowly as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"Hello Beyoncé". Turning to look at her she looked at Marlene before waving.

"Aiden said you haven't been feeling to good lately". I felt Beyoncé nod.

"Can you explain or describe what's been happening". She asked as I played with Beyoncé's hands.

"Well my head hurts almost every day, I'm always hungry, I sleep a lot more I probably could sleep the whole day if nobody wakes me up, and I'm always horny". She explained lowly at the last part as she looked down.

"Come with me, I'm gonna give you something". Helping her stand she followed her to the bathroom as they closed the door.

Gripping my hair I bit my lip watching the door, Marlene came back out taking a seat in a chair.

Hearing Beyoncé scream made me jump up bolting to the door.

Opening it she laid on the floor shaking as tears ran down her face, Confusing ran across my face as I saw her holding something in her hand.

Helping her sit on the sink she shook harder before handing me the white stick.

"Y-your pregnant?". She nodded as I pulled her into my chest. The smile on my face couldn't fade.

Pulling away I wiped her eyes. "I like the sound of calling you my baby mommy". I teased kissing her cheek.

"Well I don't this poor child has me as a mother oh god". She cried harder as I held her. Picking her up I went back to the bed getting on my back I pulled her on top of me.

"I'm gonna go, congrats". Hearing the door locked I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Beyoncé it's gonna be okay". She looked at me shaking her head.

"N-no it's not". She choked out as I stared at the ceiling.

 She choked out as I stared at the ceiling

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