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Aiden POV
A few days later...

Getting off the couch I went to the kitchen fixing breakfast.

Making sure I made what Beyoncé liked I put it all on a plate and grabbed some orange juice.

Opening the door she lay on her side staring at the wall. Putting the food down on the nightstand I went over to where she was as she continued to stare at the wall.

After she found out she was pregnant she's been quiet and hasn't really came out the room. I have to force her to eat but sometimes she just leaves It uneaten.

"I made you some breakfast, you hungry". Her eyes didn't even look my way.

Going into the bathroom I grabbed her pills she was supposed to take for her throwing up and to help the baby.

Sitting on the bed I pulled her on my lap making her face me. Smiling softly at her I kissed her lips but she didn't kiss back.

Grabbing the plate I stuck the fork into the pancakes before putting the fork by her mouth.

She continued to stare at me before opening her mouth.

Happily putting it in her mouth I grabbed a piece of bacon. She opened her mouth eating it.

Grabbing the pills I picked up the orange juice giving her the them I had to make sure she took them.

Continuing to feed her she pushed the fork away before grabbing my face.

"I'm scared". She softly spoke rubbing her finger across my lips.

"About what?". I asked gripping her hands.

"I don't need to be a mother, what if I have the baby and they find and kill us or the baby doesn't like me, I'm just scared I won't be able to love the baby 100% like I'm supposed to". Wiping her tears I pulled her into a hug.

"Your gonna be a great mother and our baby is gonna love you, I know you didn't have a mother growing up but I know you will be the best mommy in the world". I said pulling her into my lap.

She softly smiled. "I don't know what I would do without you".

"I love you, and you". Kissing her stomach she smiled harder.

"We love you too". She mumbled into my chest.

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