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Aiden POV

"Make sure your buckled up we are about to land". Looking over at Beyoncé of course she didn't have hers on.

Getting up I sat beside her as she slept with her head on the window.

"Beyoncé". I whispered tapping her. She didn't move nor respond.

"Beyoncé wake up". I said shaking her shoulders.

"Leave me alone, I wanna sleep". She whined pushing my hand away before putting her head on my shoulder.

Reaching over I snapped her belt in before sitting back.

I would never tell her this but she smells good.


"Come on Beyoncé, I let you sleep for a bit longer but we have to walk to the car". I whispered unbuckling her belt.

"Carry me please". She mumbled sleepily. Gently grabbing her out the seat I held her bridal style before walking down the stairs.

"She's just like her father lazy". The lady whispered as I chuckled.

"What's funny? You laughing at me". She asked pushing her hair back.

"You are funny to look at but no I'm not and get down we're at the car". Gently putting her down I opened her door before getting in across from her.

"So where is this house at?". She asked as she cover her mouth to yawn.

Pulling out my phone I went though my pictures before finding the picture Mr. Knowles sent me of the house.

"He would get a mansion for two people". She said before handing me the phone back. "He's so extra".

"Well you know how your father is". I said laughing but stopped when she frowned.

"I really don't but yeah I guess he is over the top". She mumbled.


"Welcome to our MTV Cribs roommate edition". I shouted to Beyoncé before opening the door. She only pushed past me holding her bags.

Following behind her with my bags we both stopped in the long hallway.

"I want the biggest room since I have to protect the drama queen". I said before she hit my chest.

I chose the room beside hers after fighting with her for about 10 minutes.

Setting my things up I knew we had to go to the store later on to get things for the house.

Knocking on her door she didn't answer so I went back into my room deciding on taking a shower.


Putting on my suit I opened my door before knocking on her door again.

"What do you want?". She asked peeking her head out the door.

"Hurry up and put your clothes on we have to go get things for the house". I said running a hand through my hair.

"Yes sir". She said saluting me before closing the door.

 She said saluting me before closing the door

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