Context and Previous Plot

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Remember our Fortunate and Unfortunate Events? If not, then go read them again before reading this sequel.

This is based on Season 2 of Supergirl. We'll intertwine that and some of my own plot together.

The Daximites somewhat invaded. Mike needed Kara's help when he discovered he was not normal. She decided to help him with the DEO, Alex, J'onn and her as Supergirl. They kind of grew a little closer again, almost like brother and sister, though Mon-El did have feelings for her again. She knew this, but never and won't reciprocate them. The two never dated.

Sanvers broke up before this happened:

One night when he got drunk, Mon-El almost raped Kara, leaving her traumatized by the experience. After that, Queen Rhea and King Lar Gand came in their ship and hovered above National City, as they knew Mon-El was there. A few Daxamites came down to terrorize the city and its people. They declared war if Mon-El did not come. Since Kara did not reciprocate his feelings, he went peacefully, as he had nothing there for him.

As said, Kara was traumatized by the experience. She doesn't think she'll do anything sexual for the time being...

Maggie did go away and transferred to Gotham for a bit (ran into Lucy along the way). She did go back eventually to National City instead of going out of the country. She couldn't leave for good. It was too hard.

Sam knows about Kara being Kryptonian and Alex being DEO. Kara told her when they were in high school. Since she knows, might as well tell her about the DEO when they reunite¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So now some more of MY changes:

Cat stuck around. Kara might need her later...

SuperCorp has their secrets but will be revealed in time.

Maybe some appearances by other characters.

Jeremiah is DEAD (sorry):. The whole thing with Jeremiah happened before this. I'm just taking season 2 first, you know this already.

And of course, more surprises to come...

This story includes characters from the CW show, Supergirl. I do not own any of the characters or any related or similar dialog.

A/N: Heyyyyy everyone guess who's baaaackkkk? C'est moi. I am so happy to be back with our sequel to A School Dream omggg. You do not know how long I've had to edit this and go over and rewrite, cause honey, that took forever.

So, like I said, I'm back, and I did have a few one-shots to fill in the time between the first book and the sequel. Here's the deal:

I will post a new chapter maybe once a week. I do have a few chapters ahead already planned out, so that's already prepared and ready for the game.

Right now, I do have an injury to my knee, so that complicates things. 

1), I have a bunch of time on my hands to edit and write more, but this is where this comes in

2), Subseconsequentially, I have a bunch of school work to makeup and it's the end of the quarter and everyone's busting their ass to get ready for next semester and do last minute assignments and that means I have a bunch of work to do for the next week.

But, I will try to be as consistent as I can with updates and I hope that you all understand that with my busy schedule, I may not be able to post every week. 

Are you guys ready for this?

I don't even know if I am.

The first chapter will be up later on today (1/17/19). Hope you're all as excited as I am! Stay tuned for more!

Love, Lj

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