Chapter 19 (Charlotte)

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I was pretty busy at work today.  It was all about reorganizing the store for the new shipment of clothing, me delivering clothing to clients, and me coming up with new styles for clients.  No one famous really.  Just regular people who have enough money and insist that a stylist is necessary.  But no matter how busy I was, I couldn't help but do my work at a slow pace and be distracted.  It was almost noon.  Only a few more hours until tonight, the voice in my head said.  Even though I didn't want to go, there was no way I could say no.  He didn't leave his number.  I'd rather go than leave him hanging.  Liar, the voice said.  Just admit that you want to see him.  And admit that you want your dream from last night to happen.  Oh that dream.

"You okay there," Lily said behind me.  I quickly turned around, startled by her interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah, why," I asked.

"Because you're overfilling the rack and everything is falling on the floor," she said looking down.  I looked at my feet and saw all the clothes at my feet.  Like I said, I was distracted.

"Do you need a break," she asked helping me pick all the clothes off the floor.

"Um, yeah I guess, that'd be nice," I said stepping away from the rack.

"Great, then I guess that means you'll go out and get me lunch too? And an expresso," she said pouting her lip.  I couldn't resist the pouty face.

"Alright," I said giving in.

"Thanks! You're awesome! Don't worry I'll cover for you," she said as she handed me money for her lunch and expresso.

"I feel like eating breakfast for lunch.  What do you want from Le Madeleines besides your expresso," I asked before going to the back room to grab my bag.

"French toast flambe please," she said happily.

I arrived at Le Madeleines with my tummy grumbling.  Glad that Lily made me go pick up lunch.  I opened the entrance door to the restaurant and coming out of the restaurant was Diana.

"Oh hey, Charlotte," she said smiling with a take out container and coffee cup in her hands.

"Hey Diana, what's up" I asked a little surprised.  I wasn't planning on running into her anytime soon after what I saw Friday night with her and Will.

"Lunch break, you," she asked.

"Same," I said.

"Cool! Hey listen, Lily told me about Friday night.  I'm sorry that you had to see Will and I going at it like animals.  We were just so out of it," she said apologetically.

"Oh it's fine, really," I said shrugging it off when really I was still a little mad about it.

"Since I didn't really get to say goodbye to him that night, I was wondering if you could give him my number," she asked reaching in her purse to get a slip of paper with digits written on it.

"Uh, yeah sure, I'll give it to him," I said taking the slip of paper.

"Great, thanks! Well I better get back to work, but I'll see you around," she said waving as she walked away.

"Yeah, nice seeing you," I said waving back.  Did I want to give her number to Will?  I feel like I'm so unsure of everything at the moment.

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