Chapter 50 (Charlotte)

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I felt bare, alone, and cold without him.  I didn't know when the next time I'd see him.  Yeah, he said he'd visit on a free day, but when would that be?  And was he even serious about it?  Did he mean the all the words he said tonight?  Seriously, bare, alone, and cold without a guy that I just met a few days ago.  And here was Will, a guy I had known for a year, lived with for almost 3 weeks, and a guy who put his jacket around me because I got cold, as we walked down our street to our flat.

"So did you have fun tonight," Will asked as he put his arm around me.

"Yeah, I'm glad I got to go since I never got tickets," I said trying to smile and not worry about the chaos inside my head.

"You going to save every momento from tonight on your concert board in your room," he said laughing. He's always made fun of me for it.  I saved everything from the night of a concert, from the date written on photos, to ticket stubs, to metro cards.  Which I had in my purse.

"Yup," I said proudly, fishing through my bag to find it.  I pulled out a piece of paper instead.  I opened it and realized it was Diana's number from the other day.

"What's that," he asked.

"Uh, the other day I ran into Diana," I said, remembering the awkwardness between me and her.

"Oh," he said with his eyebrows raised.

"And she gave me her number to give to you," I said handing the piece of crumbled paper to him.  Something told me that it was going to be okay.  To give him Diana's number.  To not worry about whether Will was truly interested in her.  Because now, all I needed, and all I wanted was Ashton.

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