Chapter Two

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She lost consciousness.

After uttering his name, her eyes as wide as saucers in surprise, Dylan Wang (or Wang He Di as he is known in his home country) watched those same eyes flicker out as Yue's body went limp against his arms just seconds after.

"Signorina!!!", someone screamed as he immediately carried her back towards the hotel lobby.

More noise surrounded them as more people gathered around them and to also check the situation outside where a car had crashed not too far away from the hotel.

"Sta Bene?"

"Is the signorina alright?"

"What happened?"

"I stirred her out of the way before the car could hit her but she must have fainted from shock. Where is your doctor?", he quickly asked the concierge nearest to him.

"I will take you to the clinic, Sir. This way please."

The crowd cleared and the man before him led him to a hallway to the left.

After a short walk, the concierge opened the door to where a doctor hurried to them and directed him to place Yue in a bed.

Dylan immediately informed the doctor of what happened.

"Are you her boyfriend?"

He just nodded. He knows that if he declares himself as just her friend, they might not inform him of any critical information.

He's played a Doctor before. He knows the protocol.

"It might have been indeed the shock."

The Doctor, then, worked on getting her vital signs as Dylan checked on his phone for the number of Yue's manager.

He had no idea she would be in Rome too.

If he had, he would most assuredly make plans to meet up with her even for a very quick snack. Their schedules are often packed to the brim that despite being friends, it takes months for them to even hang out.

Although, knowing this woman, if she had not informed anyone of her whereabout, it most assuredly is because it is for work and she won't have time to even meet up with anyone.

"Her blood pressure is lower than I expected. Would you know if she has taken anything for breakfast?", the Doctor asked him.

"I am sorry. I was out this morning and we were just meeting up. I don't know if she has eaten."

"Ahhhh. It seems the signorina lost consciousness due to low blood pressure, not just the shock. I will suggest that she rest here until she gains consciousness", he then turned towards the concierge and gave instructions as to the preparation of a meal that Yue can take.

He voiced his thanks and informed the others that he needed to make a call before stepping out of the clinic.

It took three rings before her manager answered.

"Didi! Hello!"

"Hi! I'm with Yue right now", he launched to an explanation, "She lost her consciousness in front of the hotel. Are you nearby?"

"Is she ok?!?!"

"There was a rampaging car outside that would have hit her if I had not dragged her out of the way. She then lost consciousness after recognizing me. I carried her to the hotel clinic and the doctor said that she has very low blood pressure and that might be the reason she lost consciousness."

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