Epilogue .02

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The only thing he hates about his job is that it takes him away from HER a lot.

And the next thing he hates about it is, SHE is in the same type of job too so really... in the more than four years they've been together, there have been times he just wants to split his body in two so he could be doing what he loves while being by her side.

Li Xi Zi : I will send you a video of us surprising her. Don't worry too much. We have everything covered. She'll love this.

Wang He Di : I'm not worried. It's just...

Li Xi Zi : You miss her. We know. And you're a controlling maniac who does not believe your friends can pull off this surprise.

Wang He Di : Sorry if I'm very obvious in missing her AND my lack of faith in you guys.

Li Xi Zi : Hahaha. Go back to work now Romeo. We'll take care of everything for your Juliet. We promise! Or Jia Qi and Xiao Wen and the rest of the girls promise. You know you can trust the girls.

"Stop frowning Director", his Assistant told him, "Everyone's thinking you are going to explode anytime soon."

He immediately cleared his brows and pocketed his phone. "Really? When have I ever exploded on anyone?"

"Exactly! They're thinking it's bound to happen anytime soon because you NEVER get angry. Also, because you keep on frowning, bets are high that it just might be today."

"You idiots!" He shook his head helplessly and stood up from the monitors to call on his lead actor and actress to talk to them about the next shot.

The movie they are shooting will be his directorial debut and it couldn't have come at a more complicated time.

JCE Movies Limited greenlighted his dystopian movie a month after he proposed to his girlfriend.

And Shen Yue, as expected because it would be against her very fiber if she said no, pushed him to do it and told him that they will both find a way to make the engagement and wedding arrangements work out.

"This is your dream and THE Jackie Chan talked to you about it himself", she reminded him, "Don't even think of saying no or delaying it! I won't talk to you if you do."

He had no choice really.

To love a woman as stubborn as his future wife is the sweetest torture in the world.

"When you run to him, I want you to run to him with your head filled with the relief of seeing him here", he instructed his female lead now, "You hug him when you reach him, and then you realize the meaning of his presence and you punch him in the chest because you left him for him to be safe. You don't want him embroiled in this war. You want him out of it."

"I understand, Director."

"I need to see and feel your desperation at that very moment you realize what it could mean for him to be here fighting alongside you. He could die."

"And I am willing to give up my life but not his", his artist added, "I'm the only one who is supposed to die today."

"Exactly!", he always appreciated collaborating with people who can immediately share his vision, hence the reason he casted this almost unknown actress, Huang Ya Zhi, "We're using as much of the light from the sun as we can and sunsets only last for thirty minutes. In five minutes we will be rolling and I want you both to make sure no time will be wasted."

"I will do my best."

"Go back to make-up now", he then turned towards his lead actor, Xi Jin Hui, the youngest member of a popular boy group who surprised him during auditions, "You know what you need to do next ok?"

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