Chapter Eighteen

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Shen Yue was in the middle of her photo shoot in Marina Bay Sands when she got the call.

The stylist, busy with checking on what her next outfits will be, allowed her to receive the phone call from Jia Qi.

"YUE! Finally!"

Her heart started to beat loudly at the panic in Jia Qi's voice.

"Jia Qi why? What's going on???"

"They took Dylan to the hospital."


"I don't know much yet but Xi Ze just arrived at the hospital and apparently he arrived today –"

"Yes", she cut off her friend, her thoughts tumbling all around her head, "We were talking last night before I caught some sleep before my own flight. He didn't seem sick."

Was he in an accident?????????


"What I know so far is he collapsed and Xi Zi was with him when it happened. They took him to the hospital but he remains unconscious."

Even knowing it isn't an accident has not eased the heaviness in her chest.

"Are you going to the hospital too?"

"I am but I thought of calling you about it first before you see any rumor coming from weibo or whatever and get yourself all worked up. We will update you as soon as we get more information on him, ok?"

"OK... Jia Qi! Jia Qi!"

"I'm still here Yue."

"Sorry", she felt heat come up to her face a little, "It's just... I mean... can you update me on any little thing? Like when you get to the hospital or whatever. I just –"

"Don't worry Yue, I will."

"Also, could you check if someone already called Auntie Yu Yan?"

"Oh yes! Yes! No one has probably thought of it yet. I'll talk to Auntie Yu Yan myself and tell her that we'll look after her son until she arrives."

"Thank you Jia Qi. I have her number. I can send it over to you so you guys can call her. And Hao-ge too?"

"Ok. Ok. I will check with them on that too."

"And Jia Qi, take care ok?"

"You too, Yue Yue. I will talk to you later."

She opened her photo gallery and checked on Dylan's picture from last night that could give any clues as to why he would collapse and lose consciousness.

"Is everything ok?", her road manager asked her as she slipped her phone right back her pocket.

"They took Dylan to the hospital", she answered in a low voice, hoping no one else would hear it.

But as the stylist was close by and ready to dress her, she heard it too.

"Oh no! Is he ok?", the stylist reacted first.

Well, here goes nothing. "I don't know much yet but I'm hoping he is. Our friends are going to update me as soon as they know more but can we keep it between ourselves first?"

"Of course! Of course!", the other woman replied, "But are you sure you're going to be ok? He is your best friend right?"

She gave a tight smile. "I have to be. We're only just beginning work."

Sometimes... she hated her job.


Two hours before Jia Qi made the call to Yue, Dylan found a spot about fifteen minutes away from Bai's residential building to park his car and just...

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