Chapter Eleven

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Six Years Ago...

"You are what?!?" Gao Zhi Ting exclaimed, causing everyone in the table to pause momentarily and look at the two of them.

He apologized for his outburst with a peace sign as everyone resumed piling food over their plates. Their director from "A love so beautiful" invited them over for a small get-together and almost everyone had come.

He and Yue were seated together when she told him.

"I am going to stop drinking", Yue confirmed softly, so as not to attract attention again, and then added, "I promised someone I would."

He raised an eyebrow. "Who did you make this promise to?"

She looked slightly embarrassed before responding. "To Dylan..."




He's been hearing the other guy's name from Yue's lips far too much for him to already form a certain conclusion (even without his friend's express admission) on the guy's "importance" to her.

He forced his face to remain neutral. "And why did you promise him you'll stop drinking?"

"So, he'll stop smoking."

How very – He decided to pause on that train of thought. "You proposed this to him?"

Yue gulped down on her iced tea. "I just noticed that he's starting to smoke far more frequently than before."


"I was just concerned that's all. And then he told me that he will only stop smoking if I stop drinking."

"And you agreed?"

"I did! Surprised the hell out of him when I agreed."


"I think he was trying to test whether I would even dare to agree to it."

"You do like drinking...", he tried to sound nonchalant.

"I know but if I can do it, then he can too!"

"How does he know you are not breaking your promise? I mean... you guys are not together all the time."

"We promised to be honest about it."

"You trust each other that much?"

"We had a serious talk about it. I told him that his smoking could affect his health, more than me being affected by my drinking because I only do this occasionally. AND I added that smoking will affect his breathing and if he gets short on breath, he's going to struggle playing basketball."

Well, to be fair, Yue IS a health freak.

And it isn't new that she would be THIS concerned about something like this.

She did scold him about his ill-fitting clothes during winter once. (WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE WEARING?!?! ARE YOU TRYING TO DIE OF HYPOTHERMIA?)

BUT... she's never gone to the lengths of engaging him in a dare OR... talking about him almost every hour to another person (If he is being honest about this).

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