Chapter Thirty

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She checked on her phone for the hundredth time and fought the need to sigh.

Tong already noticed she'd been sighing since she woke up and asked her whether she really is up for the photoshoot. She assured him that she is because she could not tell him that her anxiety is mounting over the fact that she cannot contact Dylan.

She called his phone as soon as she landed in Shanghai (after quite the delay as another airplane seemingly had an accident in the runway a few hours prior) but it was turned off.

She sent him a message just asking where he is and what he is doing but it was just left unread on wechat.

She fidgeted all through the night thinking what could possibly be going on that she even considered messaging his manager but she worried that it might give the two of them away and she doesn't even know if the other man already knows.

Her make-up artist kept telling her to relax her face.

She profusely apologized.

"A new tally on the injured passengers of the Air China flight that skidded at the Shanghai International Airport runway yesterday goes up to 92 this morning –"

"People it is SO early in the morning for such heavy news! Turn that radio off!", L's energetic voice shook their tent as the fabulous stylist (dressed in all black except for her gold rubber shoes) came in to have a look at her.

Yue raised a hand to say hi as she cannot move from her chair and L sauntered over with a smile as dazzling as a LED billboard.

"Thank God you're beautiful darling or else Min would have a hard time with make-up seeing as your eyebags are almost the same size as luggages now."

She chuckled.

Anyone who does not know L will easily be offended by her.

The woman says what's on her mind and is never sorry for it.

"I really tried to make them smaller."

"Well... at least it would indeed seem like you've been truly pining for your guy."

Marie had briefed her about the concept when they were in Singapore.

"This fashion spread is about star-crossed lovers. LITERALLY. East meets West. One end of the earth to another. We shot your co-star in Europe. We're shooting you in Asia. It's long distances and hopelessness and "saudade" but also certainty that there is someone for you out there and faith and destiny."

"But I won't get to know who he is?", she had asked then.

The director winked. "It's part of the spontaneity that I want for the second shoot. You guys meet each other for the first time. FINALLY. After receiving so many signals from the universe... it should be a magical moment... a pause in time... on the happiest place on earth."

And here they are now... Disneyland.


"The outfits you are going to put on are so romantic. I swear. Georgina Chapman, that sweet sweet woman, gave me the very first viewing for her collection and I just cried. I took 5. The pieces from Karl are also wonderful. And the pieces from Valentino are so sinfully divine, I bet your co-star will tear his eyes out", L shared cheerfully, looking like she, on the other hand, would shoot stars out of her eyes anytime.

Yue wished she could keep up with the energy.

Or better yet, she wished she could act the lovey dovey part convincingly enough.

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