Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A heart that has waited will understand the fear that creeps in when what you have waited for has arrived.

One should be elated.

One should be howling to the moon in joy.

But as Dylan held on to Yue, he felt dread start to knock on his heart.

"You're holding my hand so tightly", Yue whispered as she tugged at him gently, while they walked towards the theater's exit.

"If I could chain it to mine I probably would."

She chuckled. "You don't have to do that."

"I've been considering it for the past hour."

He wants to stop himself from feeling the way he does.

He wants to be at ease and he doesn't really understand why he can't fight back on the anxiety.

Maybe watching the story of the cowherd and the maid was a bad idea.

Those two loved one another so much but could only just meet once a year...

He doesn't know if he's built strong enough to withstand loving her from so far away now that he can already love her.

"Mister Wang?", one of the ushers approached them.


"Please follow me."

Yue looked at him curiously at this new development. "Where are we going?"

When he asked Wuying for help to make their very first date memorable, his friend was more than just helpful. The man talked with him over the phone for an hour to throw in suggestions and then assured him that he would take care of everything.

Dylan reminded himself of making sure to make it up to the movie director.

He truly is blessed with the best of friends.

They were led to the west wing of the theater and as the doors opened, a glass carriage pulled by white arabian horses waited for them.

He heard Yue gasp and take a step back.

"Dylan what is this for?", she asked as he now assisted her up.

He smiled as he himself climbed up and sat beside her.

"It's our ride to where we will have dinner."

Her eyes widened at him as the carriage started to move and they headed for the lakeside, where wax lamps floated against the still waters – a perfect replica of the stars in the night sky.

"This is so beautiful", she declared in awe and then looked back at him.

She blushed and that's when he realized that he hasn't been able to take his eyes away from her face. He enjoyed watching wonder open her features up. Her eyes popped and her lips parted and she reminded him of how he envisioned angels might look like.

"Absolutely beautiful", he told her before turning his head towards the lake.

He reached out for her hand and kissed the back of it.

The carriage stopped in front of a wooden pier, where a gondola waited for them at the very end.

He came down first and took her hand in his to help her down.

"Do you see the pavilion in the middle of the lake?", he asked.

She nodded.

"We'll have our dinner there."

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