Chapter Twenty-Two

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"We need to do something", Xi Ze declared to a table full of friends – guy friends.

Li Xi Zi, Chen Kuan Hong, Liang Jing Kang, Gao Zhi Ting, Sun Ning, Fan Cheng Cheng, Wu Yi Fan (or more popularly known as Kris Wu who is sort of their de facto leader if you think about it), Wang Ka Yee (or Jackson Wang), Qiu Huang (one of the rising stylists in China right now), Zou Wuying (directed 2021's sleeper hit – Night Raid), Wu Yi, and Ma Si Chao (or Kido) had all come to "The Wheel", a private pub frequented by a lot of celebrities for it provides them anonymity and exclusivity.

Dylan, of course, cannot join them as he is still recuperating in the hospital and because he is the subject of tonight's discussion.

They haven't done this... EVER.

But Xi Ze feels they must somehow step in or things could be a catastrophe again.

"We do", Sun Ning agreed, "I think we need to give Luo Chun a beating."


That wasn't what he was talking about.

Kris laughed.

"Sun Ning, I still can't wrap my mind around how you are actually the most violent out of all of us."

"He deserves the lesson. We all treated him like a brother."

"That broken jaw isn't going to heal anytime soon", Jackson pacified, "Cutting him off from this circle should be enough of a punishment."

Everyone nodded.

"I can still send him laughing gas", Sun Ning declared.

The whole table exploded.

"He isn't going to let this go", Zhi Ting piped up.

"Well, you do what you think you should do", Kris was beyond trying to stop him now, "But Xi Ze, what are you really talking about?"

"DiDi", he answered, "We have to make sure he doesn't mess it up this time."

They all groaned.

"We should have him hypnotized", Cheng Cheng proposed.

"Or we could steal his phone and do all of the courting through there. Have him go out of the country for a week or something", Huang suggested.

"Or we just kidnap the two of them and put them in a room and be done with all of this", Kido voiced, "We have all had to watch this push and pull for years. Maybe that will do it."

Kris shook his head, trying to control his laughter. "Cheng Cheng, do you think DiDi would even be able to seat still for more than a minute, enough for a hypnotist to do their job? Huang, your plan is brilliant but we are going to bend all of our necks over when they video chat AND they will video chat. Kido, we could definitely be reported to the police with your plan although, I hate to say it, it seems the most plausible."

"Why don't we just sit DiDi down and tell him that he needs to man up and go after her now?", Wu Yi threw up in to the air.

"We could also do that but what we want is for him to think that he is the one who came up with the idea all along", Kuan Hong replied, "You know him... he'd feel all lacking and inefficient again. He loses all of that confidence when it comes to Yue."

Xi Zi sighed. "Well, our women are our only weakness."

"Too true", Jackson smirked, "But we can't have him giving her away like last time. Look how THAT turned out."

"That's why I've been saying we just kidnap them", Kido butt in.

"Idiot. Stop throwing around that "kidnap" word", Zhi Ting shook his head, "We don't need to call it THAT but we can do something very similar."

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