Chapter Seven

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Four Years Ago...

"It seems my brother likes your friend", Huei An commented to Dylan when they reached the bar at the same time.

He looked over his left shoulder to where Heui An had pointed at Nian Zhen and Yue, laughing in conversation.

That made him smirk. "It would be hard for anyone to not fall for Yue. Your brother won't be immune to her charms."

"I could say the same about Nian Zhen."

"Oh! Yue has better sense, though. Unless your brother is serious about her, she'll put him in arm's length."

"Do I sense a hint of jealousy?"

"Not at all", he replied and then turned to the bartender to give his order. He waited for her to do the same before continuing, "Yue and I are the best of friends. I just know that about her."

Huei An grimaced. "That's good to hear. You are far more open-minded than Kang is."

"Kang is everyone's older brother. It's normal for him to look out for her, especially since he knows your brother better than anyone of us. Don't be jealous of Yue."

"No. I'm not jealous at all", she denied quite strongly.

Dylan chuckled. "Really? Didn't you come here to test what my reaction would be like and compare it to how Kang reacted?"

The woman levied him with a curious look. "You're ALSO far more astute than I thought you would be."

This made him raise a brow at her before putting on a more serious face.

"Huei An, Kang is your boyfriend and he loves you. Don't doubt him over his protectiveness of Yue because you will continually doubt him in a lot of things AND with a lot of girls. She isn't the only one that he considers a close friend or almost like a sibling. Of course, he won't show so much caring for them now to spare your feelings but if you ask him, he won't deny his affection for his friends. He's an honest person, you must know that."

"So you heard us."

"It was hard not to hear what you were talking about. I sat right next to the both of you."

"I – I was just surprised that he would react like that, that's all."

"Or you were trying to test him and it backfired."

She released a breath. "Ok. Maybe I was."

"Don't be like that. Why can't you just go straight to the point and ask him if he likes her?", he shook his head.

"I don't want him to think I am jealous."

"But you ARE jealous."

Huei An pouted at him. "Dylan, a girl can't just say she's jealous. Especially when she really shouldn't be."

"If you can't say you're jealous because you know you shouldn't be, then chose to not be jealous. You are causing yourself, and someone who also loves you, unnecessary hurt."

"WOW. You schooled me there."

"I actually don't want to. But I also don't want you hurting Kang when he doesn't need to be hurt."

Her face softened at his declaration. "You know what? I didn't think you would look out for Kang like this. You guys normally butt heads."

"Kang is the eldest and I am the youngest in our family, that's why we butt heads all the time. But it doesn't mean that we aren't brothers and that I won't call you out if you do something stupid that could hurt him."

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