Chapter Twenty

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"She's what?!?!", Nian Zhen clarified over the phone, baffled.

"She's returning tonight. They finished her shoot in Singapore yesterday, and then they flew via chopper to Malaysia for the sunrise shoot."

"They still have to go to Bali right?"

"They're already there. They've been jetted off via a private plane."

He raised a brow. "Why are they rushing?"

"It was the Director's choice and Yue agreed to it."

"Oh OK". his mind started working as he absorbed everything his girlfriend's assistant shared with him, "Thank you for the heads up Xin-jie."

He called up the event planner, afterwards, and explained the situation.

"We'll see what we can do about it", the coordinator responded, stress obvious in her voice, "Would you be able to know Ms. Shen's flight details?"

"I'll go and check but do you think we can still do it?"

"We just received the permit for our request this morning. I can't promise anything, Sir, since this is for our event tomorrow, but we will do our best. I will get back to you in an hour."

He thanked the woman and heaved a sigh as soon as he ended the call.

Nian Zhen wanted to pull off the perfect surprise for her.

And a month ago it seemed he would be able to succeed.

But then his girlfriend went on a long trip to Europe, his family (particularly his sister) and friends (particularly HIS sister's boyfriend) got in the way, his father kept on heavily hinting (more than usual), the importance for him to settle down and everything, in one way or another, just seemed to go downhill.

When he and Yue met with each other as soon as she came back, he felt a sort of wall wrapped around her – a wall he once climbed before, only taller it seems.

She hugged him, kissed him, said all the right things, but not her eyes.

He has always known thru them.

They can never lie or hide what she feels.

"When you feel that there is something on her mind she is not telling you, you have to wait it out. She will eventually realize that it is something you want to ask about and have not pushed her to reveal. She will appreciate that and then, she'd eventually open up."

Dylan's words came to him as they always do whenever he's in some sort of difficulty with his girl.

Yue's "pseudo" brother has always been one to give him advise and help him.

He wondered whether he could give the guy a call.

They haven't caught up in a spell.

He dialed Dylan's number but it just kept on ringing.

Oh well.

He must be busy off to a shoot somewhere. He'll definitely respond when he can.

Nian Zhen truly appreciates that about him.

When he started to court Yue, Dylan was one of his staunchest challengers.

The guy asked him whether he played basketball and proceeded to invite him to a pick-me-up game.

He was savagely and thoroughly beat up in that game.

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