Chapter Nineteen

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Three to Four years ago...

"Are you saying I should give him a chance?", Shen Yue asked him.

And cornered like that, he felt a force inside him screaming at him to say "No".

"Don't say it, Wang He Di!", the voice in his head pushed, "Don't say it! Don't say it! Don't say it!"

"I talked to him and yeah... I think you should give him a chance."

Oh hell his big fat mouth.

Her eyes took on a curious color. "Oh... Ok then."

He wanted to take it back as soon as the light left her.

He wanted to tell her he doesn't know what he's talking about and that was nothing but crazy talk but he didn't know how to start until she eventually turned away from him and walked on.

"You are an idiot Wang He Di... an idiot... an idiot... an idiot", he scolded himself as he watched her back grow smaller and smaller as she walked further and further away and he stayed rooted in the spot.

Is she angry at him because she feels that he is bossing her around again with suggesting Nian Zhen as someone she should seriously consider?

He sighed.

He just wants what is best for her.

He just wants her to fall in love and be happy.

Even if it isn't with him.


"He's dehydrated, overfatigued, and has low white blood cell count due to a virus that he might have gotten during his flight back", Jia Qi, buying food from the hospital cafeteria, updated her as she tried to calm her self down over Dylan's situation while looking over the Singapore skyline, "And he's been asleep for hours because of meds. Hold on! I took a picture of him. Let me send it to you."

Shen Yue slipped down the hotel bed to get her headset so she can continue talking to Jia Qi while checking on the picture she received over WeChat.

"I'm opening it."

"You might feel your heart being squeezed a little. I've never seen Dylan like this."

She prepared herself for the picture but still felt the grip on her heart that her friend is talking about.

Her best friend had bags under his eyes, looked as white as a sheet, and just seemed so fragile with the dextrose attached to him, and another machine hooked up to him, monitoring his breathing probably, that her left hand reached out to touch her phone screen.

She closed her eyes and reminded herself that he's strong and he will surely recover from this.

The guy is practically made of steel.


"He caught a virus?"

"Apparently he was seated next to someone who had a flu. Even the Health Ministry has gotten involved because they want to be sure that this is just a normal flu and nothing worse that could have gotten to the country thru the plane."

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