Chapter Fourteen

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Five Years Ago...

The thing about being a friend (especially a best friend) to somebody for a very long time is that you put away all your judgments and always think of what will be good for the other person no matter what.

Xiao Wen looked at a sloshed Shen Yue and took a deep sigh.

Oh God.

Jia Qi came out of the restroom and looked at her curiously.

"She's out. Dead to the world. Probably travelling to another planet right now", she declared to the other woman.

"Well, she did drink like there's no tomorrow and I haven't seen her drink like that since – I don't know – last year?"

Xiao Wen nodded.

Since the time that her best friend made a bet with Dylan to stop drinking if he stops smoking, Yue's lips have never even touched a liquor bottle.

"What happened today?", Jia Qi asked, re-arranging Yue's sleeping position and propping up the pillow on her head to make it more comfortable, "This girl seemed over the moon in happiness but I'm not sure what happened."

She could feel her heart being squeezed at what her answer would be.

She did not have enough time to warn Jia Qi, although, in hindsight, that seemed good as the other girl was able to go along the now sleeping woman's burst of bright and blinding energy.

Yue kept sharing stories, laughing, and even cracking jokes while playing cards and suddenly announcing drinking games the whole night.

It really seemed as though she'd won a hundred million yuan.

"Something weird happened actually", Xiao Wen responded honestly.

Jia Qi looked at her in concern over her tone. "What???"

"The thing is... well... I guess... I don't really know if... but then she reacted... ok... OK!", she tried to recall what happened hours ago as clearly as she could and to be able to make Jia Qi imagine it, "... she told me to meet up with her at the bakery near Dylan's house. She said she'll just drop something for him and then we'll go and watch Teacher Gong Li's movie. I thought, why don't I just go directly to Dylan's house? I haven't seen him in a while and I wanted to say "Hi" even very briefly. So, after waiting for fifteen minutes inside the bakeshop, I went outside and headed towards his apartment building. Then, when I reached the turn before the building's garden entrance, I saw her standing behind a post. I was just about to call her out and ask her why she's hiding when I heard someone laugh and... it seems crazy now, when I think about it, and I don't know why I did it but I ducked out of sight too..."

The laughter came from Dylan.

Xiao Wen recognized it immediately.

That made her choose a spot to hide behind Yue and watch what her best friend seems to also be watching.

Standing in front of Dylan and laughing along with him is the current hottest new artist in the country, French-Chinese actress, Selena Song.

She momentarily wondered why Yue was hiding from the two of them when the laughing stopped and as Dylan seemed to say goodbye, Selena reached in and kissed him.





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