Chapter Twenty-Five

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He lied about the dream.

Dylan considered saying the truth to his brothers but he wanted to hold on to it for just a little while more... keep it to himself until maybe he could finally share it to someone else... maybe... probably her.

After all, it is hers just as much as his.

He smiled fondly remembering it.


The night of Shen Yue's arrival in Beijing...

One of the things that would probably surprise people about her is that she talks in her sleep.

It doesn't happen often though and Dylan, himself, has only seen it happen once (He actually had a full on conversation with her on what is her most embarrassing memory. Do not ask. He hasn't used that material yet for blackmail but she knows that he knows and well...).

Shen Yue does it especially when she's exhausted and tonight, she IS not only exhausted, she's smashed.

Shooting for one whole day in two different countries, flying back home, and then having to contend with a proposal she never wanted?

Being hit by flu seemed such a luxury compared to what she has had to go through physically and emotionally.

"No...", it was her voice that pulled him from sleep and he slowly cracked his eyes open to see her scrunching her forehead and tightening her hold on the bedsheet in anxiety.

He looked up and found that Xi Ze and Jia Qi seem to still be sleeping on the guest bed, partially hidden by a wall, at the other side of the room.

Maybe he heard it because she was just right beside him.

"No...", she said it again, almost about to cry, and he immediately reached out for her hand.

Some time in the night he lost hold of it.

"Yue...", he whispered to her reassuringly, "Yue..."

It took a moment.

"Didi", she responded, squeezing his heart a little with how softly she called out to him.

"I'm here", he told her, taking her hand again and holding it close to his chest, as he bent closer to her.

"Help me", she answered weakly, "I don't want to get married to him."

She must be dreaming about Nian Zhen.

It angers him thinking about how that man pushed through with his proposal and cornered her so publicly.

He's never been one for gestures that invite the public in. They already are in his life more than they really should be and privacy is so important.

The pressure to marry her must be mounting that Nian Zhen forgot how preciously Yue looks after her own.

"I don't want to......"

"You won't", he responded firmly, "You won't get married to him."

"He won't let me go."

The fear in her voice shook him. He read before that sleep talkers talk from their subconscious.

He is familiar with her fear after the time they had in Italy but this right here is raw.

She truly thinks she is helpless.

"I will make him", he promised to her.

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