Chapter Fifteen

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It is futile to deny what he feels for Shen Yue.

Since that day she shook his hand when they first met, Dylan's heart had always known she would always be special.

Other than the women in his family, there is no other woman who has stood by him, not only thru his career's highs and lows but thru his personal wins and losses since he became an actor.

He must clarify though that he didn't love her in the first place because of THAT.

He could not remember now why and when he started to love her BUT... the reason he finds himself in such turmoil and the reason his best friends have told him time and again that he must be crazy is because he has chosen to love someone who is impossible to unlove and yet... he continues to try.

"I didn't know it would be this hard to not see you for a very long time too", Bai told him as they video called, "Will you be working as soon as you get back?"

He nodded.

"I have back-to-back photoshoot schedules at least two days after I get back but let's have dinner, ok?"

"Sure! I'll free up my calendar!", his ex-girlfriend responded and then proceeded to regal him with everything he had missed out on since the last time they talked.

Dylan finally learned that the Vogue shoot she has been eyeing has gone to an actress (which is interesting because he didn't expect that at all), Ting has just been announced as Harper Bazaar's Model of the Year and Bai will be attending the party for her later (he noted that he should call his friend to congratulate her on such an achievement), and Bai bagged an endorsement deal for Genie (it's an up and coming brand that sells luxury jeans and she's been selected alongside a good friend of his, Fan Cheng Cheng, to be brand representatives).

She also told him that rumors have been flying around that he's going to be in the next Jackie Chan Wuxia film and that she has had to field a couple of questions about his current whereabouts right after the rumors circulated.

Bai continued to update him on what has been happening back home and he closed his eyes for a second.

"WANG HE DI!!!!!", she shouted.

He immediately opened his eyes, surprised at the scream.

"Don't sleep on me!"

"I was just closing my eyes", he answered defensively.

She snorted. "I know you. You close your eyes and immediately fall asleep."

He laughed a little at this. "Can you blame me for just wanting to listen to your voice? I haven't been able to talk to you for two days."

She pouted at him. "That's just an excuse."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry", he answered, "You were talking about having dinner with Luo Chun. How is he?"

That seemed to appease her and she told him about his friend's latest drama project that he was hoping to talk to Dylan about.

He watched her continue to talk and did his best to focus but the Italian sun, wind, and sea are beckoning him to relax.

Unable to help himself, a memory of Yue painting right beside him as he lounged in their veranda and she hummed tune after tune that lulled him to sleep came back to his mind.

They both decided to take that day slow so she could finish her painting while he just soaks up the sun.

It was a moment to pause in a rather harrowing holiday where the two of them jetted off wherever they wanted to like they were both on a run.

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