Chapter Twenty-One

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It surprised her to receive a call from their shoot director in the middle of the night.

Well, to be fair, it also surprised the director that she was still awake.

She was asked if it would be alright for her to squeeze in their two day shoot to just one.

And while she hadn't even considered how that would be possible, she immediately agreed.


Shen Yue would eventually learn that their logistics team moved heaven and earth to make it happen and while she wondered why but didn't ask, she later learned of the reason as they headed for Bali.

"The Director heard about Wang He Di being hospitalized and saw the phone call you had when you found out", her assistant whispered to her, "I heard that she asked the team to see whether they can finish the next two shoots in just one."

She wondered why THAT would push the Director to do what she did.

And when they wrapped up filming and she came to give the woman a hug, she almost lost her sense of balance at what she was told.

"Thank you Marie", she squeezed the French-Chinese woman's hand.

"Do not worry. I know how it feels like to worry about someone you love and so I knew I had to do something to help you."

"Someone I – "

"Wang He Di", Marie cut in, "I saw you during the break in a phone call with someone and then you were in tears in worry. I was fully expecting you to talk to me and tell me what it was but then you came back and finished the job as though nothing heavy was bothering you. I had to ask your assistant and I learned about Wang He Di being taken to the hospital."

She was at a loss for words. "You didn't have to do it for –"

Marie hugged her before she could finish her sentence. "I had a boyfriend I lost while I was working out of the country. I don't want anyone to suffer through the same."

Shen Yue knows she really should tell Marie that Dylan is just her friend but it feels as if her tongue got pulled out of her.

"I know he isn't your boyfriend, love", the Director added and then smirked at her, "It's a wonder to me why not because anyone who would have seen you when I saw you would think that he should be."

"Marie –"

"I am so sorry that was overstepping it!", she smiled, "Now now. Go get yourself ready. Your flight back is in an hour."

Why not?

As their plane taxied in PEK, that question came back to her again.

Why indeed not?

Because we're friends.

When they first met, she never really thought of him as anyone special (other than his other-worldly handsome face which, let us all admit it, can stop traffic and natural disasters). He was a good friend, a great friend she liked to play around with.

He was rougher than her other brothers, probably because he was younger when they met.

He liked tackling her, playing with her, joking around with her, and he often got called out for being too playful around her that their producer back then, Angie, called her "DiDi's doll" sometimes.

He was also a very generous friend.

He bought her shirts, shoes, food, trinkets... He even designed a necklace for her and gave it to her during her birthday.

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