Chapter Sixteen

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As he waited for boarding, Dylan looked down his phone and saw Kris Wu's name on the screen.

"Hey man!", he answered.

"You rascal!", the other guy answered, "What's this I heard that you've been trying to look for tickets for my concert tomorrow? Why didn't you ask me first?"

He grinned. "I didn't want to bother you and it would be too much to ask."

"Idiot! You have the nerve to be shy to me?" He and Kris play basketball together almost every week when they're both free and like to horse around and push each other to be better.

They have also played for NBA's special celebrity games in the country and in the US, usually teamed-up together, hence being nicknamed by fans as "Baller Brothers".

He's starred for a music video of Kris once and Kris has cameo'd for series he's been involved in over the years.

"It's a big concert! I know you'd be busy."

"I am not busy enough to respond to a friend idiot! Anyway, I already sent over two tickets to Hao-ge."

"Thank you man!" He literally has some of the best guys in the world as buddies.

"No problem. Who's watching with you?"

"I'm taking Bai."

"That's great! I'll see you guys backstage?"

"Of course!"

"Drag Luo Chun with you. I also gave him tickets and he told me he will be surprising his girl with them but he said he isn't sure he'll be able to see me."

"Luo Chun is taking "HIS" girl with him?!? When did that guy get a girl?"

Kris laughed. "I don't know man! Surprised the hell out of me too."

"I'm dragging him for HIDING his girl from us!"

"She might be married!"

Dylan couldn't stop the "HA!" that came out of him. Luo Chun had a hell of a scandal dating a married woman before (although nothing was ever proven, of course). "You're crazy!"

"I'm just saying..."

"Anyway, thank you man. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Always welcome!"

"Break a leg!"

"Break a nose!"

"Break a toe!"

"Break an arm!"

They laughed.

"See you tomorrow Wang!"

"See you tomorrow Wu!"

The banter lightened his heart as he put down the phone.

He's been feeling a sort of heaviness since the day Yue left and while he relished staying behind to thoroughly enjoy the breath-taking beauty of Italy, Alejandro's goodbye to him had him staring out of the helicopter window at scenes that one only sees in their dreams but instead of feeling happy, he just felt confused.

The butler has become a friend these past days and Dylan could tell he really looked out for him and Yue all throughout their stay in a way that is different from how the other guests were taken cared of by their butlers.

"I do hope that when you and Ms. Shen return next time, Sir, you won't have to split ways earlier and can both stay here together until your last day."

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