Chapter Six

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Not her.

Dylan pleaded to someone in the heavens as he heard it – the reason why she made such an uncharacteristic move, the reason why she is on vacation all by herself half-way across the world, the reason why her eyes lose light during the moments she thinks no one is looking.

He grappled for words to use to comfort or reassure her as she admitted that she's now trying to see how it would be like to be single again because she knows that she would be splitting up with her boyfriend.

But... how could he respond to that when he isn't Nian Zhen?

How could he respond to that when as a friend to HER boyfriend, he knows that what Yue fears is possible?

If she rejects his proposal, Nian Zhen WILL break up with her.

EVEN if he loved her.

Dylan recalled him just saying over beers recently that his paternal grandfather has been pressuring him to start a family to show stability. He's getting older (the man is a few years senior to him and Yue) and his Father is growing older and needs to groom his heir soon.

However, members of their company's Board of Directors are unlikely to support him (even if he is the heir) if he is unable to settle down. A Bachelor is more likely to be involved in scandals. And Nian Zhen has already been involved in salacious rumors more than once.

A CEO's reputation affects his company.


And their family will lose hold of their own business if he does not shape up.

Nian Zhen knows it.

Dylan knows it.

And... Yue knows it.

He looked at one of his very best friends and saw the inevitability of it.

Her heart will shatter into a million pieces.

There is no going around it.

Unable to truly say anything to her that might at least settle her mind, he decided to just continue holding on to her hand even as they descended from the helicopter.

"Dylan", she whispered to him as they emerged from the tarmac.

"Yes?", he asked a little distractedly.

"Are you ok?"

He almost wanted to laugh at that.

Here she is, her world about to fall apart, and she asks him – HIM – if he is ok.

"I don't know", he answered and then tugged at her hand, "Are you?"

That made her look down and he wanted to slap himself because that was stupid.

Of course, she isn't ok. WHAT THE HELL WANG HE DI.

"Sorry, Yue", he whispered.

She shook her head and lifted her face to him, her eyes telling him it isn't his fault.

Damn it!

He wished it was, though.

Like all the times they would bicker and fight about something and she would become upset with him.

Because if this was his fault, he'd be able to do something.

He wouldn't feel so helpless.

"Signor, Signorina, welcome."

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