Chapter Seventeen

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Two Years Ago...

They relished having the time to grab dinner after their guesting in the new variety show, Monster Fight, a reality competition that pits two teams against each other, in a series of games held inside a haunted house.

"You almost crushed my foot!", Shen Yue complained about the last race they had as she stuffed a dumpling to her mouth.

"You climbed up using my back and stepped on me. What are you complaining about?", Dylan retaliated as he reached for another dumpling too.

"I'm light as a feather!"

"You weigh like a small pig!"

"How do you know??? Have you carried a small pig before???"

Dylan smirked at her.

"Oh you!", she punched him in the arm.

"Shen Yue!", he admonished, "Have you forgotten we're in public? Do you want people to see you and say you're barbaric?"

"Everyone knows YOU are barbaric. You bring it out of other people", she responded with a flick of her tongue.

Dylan shook his head at her. "If this bruises, I wouldn't know how to explain it to Bai."

"I'll tell her I gave it to you."

"WOW! You really are fearless."

"She's already far too kind to even consider you as her boyfriend, I need to help her in putting you in line."

"Do you do the same to Nian Zhen?"

"Of course!"

He scrunched his nose at her. "Stop mothering people Yue Yue."

"Says the guy who cannot stop bossing people around."

Their banter was disrupted by the arrival of more dimsum.

"I am so happy I can eat like this today", she announced as her eyes sparkled at the sight of more food.

Dylan looked at her with a flash of worry. "Are you on a diet again?"

"WAS. It ended yesterday."

"You're already too thin."

She raised a brow at him. "You called me a small pig less than five minutes ago."

"I SAID you weigh like a small pig", he clarified as IF it would have made things better.

She sneered at him.

"There are teacup pigs that are small pigs, what are you so angry at me about?", he pursued.

"You are unbelievable!!!"

He smiled at her with that devil-may-care smile he always uses to get away with things. "Oh hey! Nian Zhen and I have an important basketball game on Wednesday! Don't ask him out on a date between 7 PM – 9 PM."

Her eyes widen at him disbelievingly. "Are you really telling me I can't go on a date with my boyfriend???"

Dylan nodded. "On Wednesday. 7 – 9 PM. That's a very important basketball game because Kris got us to play against some national team players. We're all pretty excited."

"Why isn't Nian Zhen the one telling me this???"

"Because I'm the one telling you."

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