Chapter Four

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Two Years Ago...

His face said everything.

"Didi...", she called to him softly before coming in for a hug – a hug that she hoped comforted him somehow.

"Yue, what are you doing here?", he finally managed to ask her, getting his bearings back.

"What else should I be doing?", she asked him back.

He let go of her to have a good look at her. "But it's your... I mean you and Nian Zhen are celebrating your anniversary."

"We are but we can celebrate that anytime. This is far more important."

Her boyfriend had such a grand plan for their first anniversary but the moment she heard about Didi's Paternal Grandmother passing away, she knew she had to go to him.

He loved his Grandmother dearly.

"I have to apologize to Nian Zhen."

She smiled. "You can apologize to him tomorrow since he's coming here too."

"You didn't have to do that."

She shook her head.

She knows how important it is for Dylan to know that she is there for him this time, when he has lost one of the most important people in his life.

"Am I not your "brother"? What else would I do?"

"YUE!", his mother's surprised voice turned both their heads and for a few minutes, she allowed herself to also engulf the older woman in an embrace of comfort and consolation.

Didi hovered over her as she properly expressed her condolences to his Father and a few other family members, taking her hand to stand beside him as she also paid her respects to the old woman who gave Dylan his name, and who cared for him so preciously.

"I got to say goodbye to her over the phone."

If she was not standing close to him, she wouldn't have heard it.

"I was at the airport and I got the call. They said... they said she wanted to hear my voice."

She squeezed his hand, encouraging him to draw comfort from her.

"I told her about my day. I told her how I was told by the Director how good my Mandarin has become. I told her I've gained weight. I told her Tony Leung is excited to meet her at our premiere. I told her I'm on my way back... I told her everything... I just never got to the part where I could tell her I love her because the machines sounded off then. And I knew..."

His eyes glistened in unshed tears while hers started dropping from her eyes the moment he started to tell her about his phone call.

"Your voice comforted her."

He squeezed her hand back.

"I wish it was my hug instead that comforted her."

"Dylan...", her use of his English name pulled him out of melancholic recollection, "Please do not beat yourself up too much over it. You have always told her you loved her. You have, also, always showed her. And the way you are grieving for her now, I am sure that she feels it and she knows... her little prince will always have her wherever he goes."

A commotion from the entrance alerted the both of them that more guests have come.

Wu Xi Ze's voice reached their ears and Yue felt her heart lift.

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