Part 2 - Alex

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Alex POV

The girls and I walk into our class and take our seats at the back of the class room. Briar and Sage sit beside each other and Dylan and Berkeley sit at the desk in front of them. I am left to sit alone, in front of Berkeley and Dylan, at the desk at the front of the class. I take my seat and wait for a desperate guy or girl to sit next to me, as per usual.

"Hi, I'm Shelby." A girl says, while sitting down beside me.

I look her up and down. I notice how beautiful she is, I also notice that she is wearing an outfit so similar to mine you'd think we were twins or something. I mean, sure she has great taste in clothes and style, but no one is aloud to wear the same outfit as me. Who does this girl think she is? 

"Hi, I'm Alexandra, but you can call me Alex. You must be new here, right?" I ask, sweetly.

"Yeah, this is my first day." She explains to me.

"How are you liking it so far?" I ask, acting as though I actually care, when really I couldn't care less.

"I am loving it so far." She says. "I could stay here forever."

"I'm glad someone enjoys it here." I say, sarcastically.

The teacher enters the room and begins the class. The teacher goes on and on about some boring math problem. I'm not listening to any of it though, instead I am planning my next move. How do I get Shelby out of my way? 

I get out my phone and text the girls on the group chat. I need there help with this. They always know what to do in this sort of situation.

Alex - Girls, I need your help?!

Berkeley - Help with what, exactly?

Dylan - ^we can't help you if you don't tell us.

Alex - Shelby (the new girl, sitting next to me) is wearing the same outfit as me!!!

Sage - And your plan is ... 

Alex - To get her kicked out of the entire school, duh.

Briar - I thought you'd never ask.

Alex - So are you with me?

Everyone - Of course. Squad 5, RULE NUMBER 1: we always have one another's backs

Alex - thanks gals xx

I put on my fake act with Shelby, for the rest of the lesson and then the squad and I come up with a plan to get this girl out of here.

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