Part 33- Dylan: Not Me

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Dylan POV

Alex calls all the girls into her room, so we are all making our way there now. I wonder what this is about. I just hope its not more bad news, I think we've all had enough of that.

I sit down on Alex's bed as everyone else takes a seat somewhere.

"What's up, Alex." We all ask her in unison.

"I don't know how to ask this but ... " She trails off.

"Just tell us girl." I say. "You can trust us with anything, you know that."

"Okay. A few days ago I was in the main bathroom and I found a pregnancy test, it was positive." Alex tells us. "The thing is, I think it might be Berkeley's. If it is hers then she is in even more danger than we first thought."

"Oh no ... " I say whilst sighing.

"I just need to be sure if it is hers. I think now would be a good time to tell us if it was your test." Alex tells us.

"It's not mine." I say, in a duh kind of tone.

"Neither." Sage says too.

We all turn our heads to look at Briar. She looks at us and shakes her head slightly. So it really is Berkeley's test, she's pregnant.

"I think we should call the police." I suggest. "It's not just Berkeley in danger anymore, it's also her baby."

"I agree with Dylan." Sage says and Alex nods in agreement.

"I think we should call them now." I say and pull out my phone.

Briar snatches the phone out of my hand suddenly. What the hell?

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"You can't call the police." She demands.

"Why not?" We ask her.

"What do you think Shelby will do when she sees the police, huh?" Briar questions us. "She'll kill Berkeley immediately."

"I don't think she will. We can explain the situation and the police will work around that problem." I explain.

I reach out to grab my phone back but Briar pulls away once again. I think there is more going on here than what she's letting on.

"You can't call the police, okay." Briar demands once again. "Berkeley isn't pregnant."

"Then who is?" Alex, Sage and I ask in unison.

"I am." Briar tells us.

"Oh." I sigh.

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