Part 48 - Myles: Phone Call

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Myles POV

I wake up in bed next to the beautiful angel, Briar. I couldn't be happier right now. Our new house, Briar and the baby on its way, there is nothing more I could ask for. I wrap my arms around Briar and shut my eyes again ... 

Dring Ring

But I am quickly awoken by the sound of my phone ringing. I pick it up and walk downstairs trying not to wake Briar. I answer the call quickly.

"Hello, Myles speaking." I say.

"Hey Mylo, its me Shelby." The voice on the other end of the phone tells me.

"What do you want?" I ask her.

"I want your baby dead, that's what I want." She says.

"YOU CAN GO TO HELL!" I whisper shout.

"Yeesh calm down, I can't touch you or anyone else from in jail." Shelby reassures me. "But that doesn't necessarily mean your safe."

"We're safe from you at least." I say.

"Don't get ahead of yourself." Shelby tells me. "I have friends ... "

"Pff no you don't." I say smugly.

"SHUT IT! I have friends who will gladly take you and your friends and family to the ground for me." Shelby explains. "So don't think you're safe."

"You realise that the police are listening in on this conversations, right?" I remind her. "So I think we're safe for the time being."

"Damn it, I forgot they were listening." She whispers quietly. "Still I'd sleep with one eye open if I were you."

She hung up on me at that point and I am left a little more than slightly worried. Is she serious about all this? Are we in danger? All I know is that I have to keep an eye on everyone I care about, just in case. 

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