Part 27 - Dylan: Night

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Dylan POV

We arrived to the beach house late yesterday afternoon. Isaac and I were the last to arrive at the house. It's not that anyone missed us though, Alex and Lamar were down at the beach and the others seemed to busy doing things ... in their bedrooms.

Isaac and I have never spent the night together before. I didn't mention it to the girls, because I know that all of them, apart from Alex, have done it. But I know that tonight is the night. Knowing that Isaac and Shelby have done it together makes me super nervous, he might rather be with Shelby. I know I am being stupid, I can't help it.

"So what's for dinner?" Trevor asks us, walking into the kitchen with Berkeley.

"I don't know, why don't you cook us something, Trev?" I suggest, jokingly.

"Hmm, I think I'm good." Trevor says.

"That's what I thought." I laugh. "How about we order some pizza."

"Mmm pizza, That's what I'm talking about." Isaac says, gladly.

"You're such a pig." Berkeley laugh at the boys.

Trevor and Isaac order the pizza, and eventually everyone comes out of their bedrooms and joins us for dinner. I get about one slice of pizza before the boys have eaten it all. Berkeley was right, they really are pigs. I wonder when they'll start snorting and rolling around in mud with flies hanging around their heads? Oh wait ... they already do half of those things too.

We watch a movie and it happens to be The Notebook. The girls and I love that movie, but the boys hate it so much. I just think its so romantic and sad and nice. What's not to like? When the movie ends most of us go to bed without hesitation. However, Alex and I volunteer to clean up a bit before bed. Its obvious we are just stalling, nervously.

"So why'd you volunteer to clean up?" Alex asks me, kind of confused.

"I'm just a little nervous to spend the night with Isaac, after he slept with Shelby I feel weird about it." I tell her. "Plus, it'll be our first time doing it, if we do it that is."

"So Shelby is holding you back, again." Alex murmurs.

"Seems that way." I say.

"The whole point of this trip, was to stop the drama and put everything to do with Shelby, behind us. So do it." Alex explains to me.

"You're right. You know what, I'm going to do it." I say, finally getting rid of the nerves. "And what about you?"

"Shelby isn't holding me back. I just don't feel ready." Alex tells me. "I don't know when or how I will be ready though."

"Only time will tell." I say.

"I'll finish up here, you go and have fun with your man." Alex tells me, smugly.

"If you say so." I agree. "Goodnight."

I walk into my bedroom and I don't waste any time. I make my move and we go all the way.

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