Part 17 - Alex: Comfort

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Alex POV

I take my seat next to Lamar in our Spanish class. I have to sit next to him because the teacher made me. At least we sit behind Briar who sits alone. But this is going to be awkward.

"Hola clase, tenga una conversación con la persona a su lado en español. Pregúnteles cómo se sienten y qué les gusta hacer en su tiempo libre." The teacher tells us.

I don't understand any of this. Spanish is not my strong suit. This is where google comes in handy. Google translate - Hello class, have a conversation with the person next to you in Spanish, ask them how they feel and what they like to do in their free time.

Great, so now I have to talk to Lamar. Ugh, I hate this so much! I guess I could get away with not talking to him and just ignoring him completely. But he has a different idea in my mind.

"Hola! Cómo estás?" Lamar asks me.

"Me siento comlo una mierda gracias a ti." I say, harshly.

"Alex please. Talk to me." Lamar asks me, in desperation.

I look away from him and tap Briar on the shoulder. She turns her head towards me and the pain on her face is undeniable. She is going through what I am going through. I hope she's okay.

"Bri, are you okay?" I ask her, gently.

"I feel like shit. This is all Shelby's fault. First, she broke your heart, and now she breaks mine. I wonder who will be next. Trevor and Berkeley or Isaac and Dylan or Isaiah and Sage." Briar says, tearing up a little bit.

"Briar, this isn't Myles fault. It's Shelby's fault. You guys are right about her. She plays mind games and tricks you into it. She did it to me and now to Myles. You have to forgive him, so that he doesn't end up like me." Lamar explains to us.

"There is still time to fix things between you two." Briar tells us. "Myles and I are trying to fix things, so you should too." She is interrupted by the teacher, who stops us from talking.

I glance over at Lamar, and see him looking back at me. He grabs my hand, suddenly. He looks me straight in the eye, and I get this amazing feeling inside of me. I want to be with him, I want to fix things between us.

"Please, give me another chance." Lamar asks me, pleadingly.

"One more chance." I agree.

He kisses me on the cheek gently and a smile lights up my face instantly. I love him so much. And although Lamar and I are back together, Shelby is still in big trouble with the Squad.

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