Part 8 - Dylan: Okay

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Dylan POV

I run after Alex, who has gone into the bathroom. She looks really upset, I wonder what happened. I hope everything is okay.

"Alex, is everything okay?" I ask her, gently.

"No, everything is a mess." She says, through tears.

"I'm sure its not that bad. Can you tell me what happened?" I ask her.

"Its Lamar." Alex starts. "I found out he has been cheating on me with another girl."

"WHAT?! Who is the girl?" I ask her, mad and shocked.

"I don't know yet." She tells me.

"Are you a hundred percent sure that he's cheating on you?" I ask her, unsure.

"No, I asked him but he denied it." Alex explains. "The thing is, I saw messages between him and a girl with the nickname 'babes', and it said things like 'I love you' and 'meet at the park tonight xx', so I don't know what I should believe." 

"Okay, how about I tell the girls and we try and sort this out for you?" I suggest.

"Are you sure? Last night, Lamar was pretty angry when I accused him of cheating on me." Alex asks me.

"I'm sure. Squad 5 Rule Number 3: Always have one another's back." I say.

Just promise me not to tell anyone, other than the Squad?" Alex asks me.

"I promise." I agree.

"Thank you." Alex says.

I wrap my arms around her and then she makes sure it doesn't look like she has been crying, before leaving the bathroom. We walk back to our friends, and I won't lie, it is more than a little bit awkward.

"What happened back there?" Berkeley asks Alex.

"Are you okay?" Briar asks worried.

"I'm fine." Alex reassures everyone.

I glance over at Lamar, who looks down in shame. And in that moment, I know that Alex is right. He is cheating on her. The only question is, who is he cheating with? The girls and I will get to the bottom of this, and both of them will have to pay.

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