Part 25 - Briar: Break

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Briar POV

I am so lost, right now. Who is this picture of? I have never seen this guy before, so I don't understand why Shelby has a problem with us.

"I don't know this guy?" I tell her.

"I know, but one of you does." Shelby says.

I look around at the others and everyone looks confused, everyone except Berkeley. Does she know something? It doesn't matter what she knows, we have to protect her somehow. I think Shelby is capable of things worse than heart breaking.

"None of us know anything, right girls?" I say, sounding confident.

"That's right." We all agree.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" Shelby screams at us.

"We're not lying to you." Sage says.

"You aren't going to get away with this, Berkeley." Shelby says, then slaps Berkeley across the face and walks away. 

Time skip to an hour later

Everyone, including the boys, walk to the beach and sit down in the sand, no one is talking. We have to sort this out, but I am not sure how too. There has been so much relationship drama in the last two weeks, its unhealthy. We just need to get away from it all.

"We have to sort this out." I say, breaking the silence.

"How do we sort this out?" Dylan asks me.

"We need to get away form all this drama." I tell them.

"Where are we going to go? It's not like we can just run away from it all, B." Berkeley says.

"I've got a plan. First, Dylan and Isaac sort out their relationship and Sage and Isaiah if you have any problems I suggest that you sort it out too. Then Berkeley explains herself." I explain my plan tot hem all. "After that, we go and pack our bags cause we're going on vacation."

"Vacation, huh?" Myles says.

"Yep, we might as well make the most of our holiday time." I say.

Everyone sits there and stares at me blankly. Maybe this was a bad idea ... 

"What are you waiting for? Dylan, Isaac, go and take a walk and sort this shit out. Sage and Isaiah are you two okay?" I ask them, as Dylan and Isaac start walking down the shore line.

"I think we're fine." They both say in unison.

"Perfect." I say.

We wait for about half an hour, before Dylan and Isaac come back from their walk, and they're holding hands so I'm guessing they managed to fix things.

"You two good?" I ask them, and they nod smugly.

"Berkeley, what's going on?" I ask her, gently.

"Well, about a year ago, before Trevor and I got together, I slept with Alex. It wasn't anything special, just a one night stand. I told him it was a mistake and then I left. I haven't heard from him since." Berkeley explains.

"Anything else?" I edge on.

"He told me had a girlfriend called Shelby, that's part of the reason why I left. But that's all it was." Berkeley tells us.

"Okay ... I don't know how we are going to fix this." I say. "Which is all the more reason to go on vacation."

"What do you have in mind?" Alex asks me.

"I was thinking we go to that beach resort that you and I used to go to when we were younger." I suggest. "We can leave tomorrow, and stay there for a week or so."

"Wahoo." Trevor cheers, excitedly.

We all laugh, and then walk home and pack our bags, so that we're ready to go tomorrow morning. I can't wait for this holiday, hopefully the drama will stop for a week. 

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