Part 18 - Dylan, Sage and Berkeley

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Dylan POV

I am the first to sit down at our Squad's normal table. I am quickly followed by, Berkeley and Sage. We sit in silence for a while. We are all thinking about what's going to happen next. Shelby will be sure to break another heart next, and although we know what she is trying to do, it still really hurts. 

"Did you hear that Lamar and Alex are back together?" Sage asks us, breaking the silence.

"Oh I'm so happy for them." I say, truly glad.

"Alex gave Lamar one last chance, so let's hope he doesn't muck it up this time." Berkeley says.

I see the boys walk over to us. Trevor sits down next to Berkeley and Isaiah sits down next to Sage and Isaac next to me.

Sage POV

I rest my head on Isaiah's shoulder and feel so good. I know that this is wrong but, I hope Shelby chooses to break someone else's heart and not mine. I don't think I could deal with it. I am in love with Isaiah, if we are ever separated I don't know what I'd do.

"So where are the others?" Berkeley asks the boys.

"Myles and Briar are trying to sort things out." Trevor tells her. "And Lamar and Alex are probably making out somewhere."

"True that." Isaac agrees with that last part.

I laugh gently thinking about, boys these days. So dirty minded, it's actually unreal.

Berkeley POV

Trevor puts one arm around my shoulder. I think he knows that the next week or so is going to be hard. With Shelby breaking everyone apart, we'll probably be next in the firing line.

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