Part 12 - Dylan: Hope

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Dylan POV

"ALEX STOP!" Briar screams out whilst sprinting past me.

I look towards where she is running to, and I see Alex leap off the cliff. What is she doing? Is she trying to kill herself? I didn't realise things were this bad.

I start running after her, but I realise that its pointless. Alex isn't on top of the cliff anymore, she is deep in the oceans water. We have to get her out of the water. I am a good swimmer but not when it comes to the sea.

"Wait up." I say, everyone stops including Briar and turns to look at me.

"What are you waiting for, Alex could be dying right now." Berkeley shouts at me.

"She's in the water, not at the top of the cliff." I shout back at her. 

"Someone needs to go and get her. Someone else needs to call an ambulance." I order them around.

Four of the boys start taking their tops off and jumping into the water. Berkeley and Sage call an ambulance and start explaining the situation. I look over at everyone. I see Briar crying hysterically, I see Lamar sitting there staring off into the distance. This is all his fault. If Alex isn't okay, Lamar and Shelby have it coming for them.

"LAMAR WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I  scream at him, angrily.

He doesn't say anything. Instead, he just keeps staring into the distance. What is his problem? Ugh, I hate him so much. There is no hope left with him. I have no hope for him.

Suddenly, the boys come out of the water with Alex in their arms. A wave if relief washes over me. But I know that this is far from over, she is still in very bad shape. I hope she's okay. I have to hope, it the only thing strong enough to overcome fear.

Finally, after about fifteen minutes wait the ambulance shows up. They HAVE to save her.

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