'welcome to my silly life'

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-Are you woke up?- I heard my moms girly voice.I groaned and slowly nodded moving my head on pillow.I slowly open first right and then left eye leting them to adapt on the light of the day..The white ceiling is the first thing I saw in the morning.It's not so great way to start the day expecily when I hear mothers voice.

-Hurry up  if you don't wanna be late for school-she said and left my room leaving me alone in my bed.

Damn..I can't anymore.. I don't want to get up and go to the bathroom.. All I want is go to sleep and eat ice cream..Ohhhh that cold creamy bite of mint ice cream.

I had so good dream,and now I can't remember it.That is the worst feeling ever.When you need to wake up,go to school and came back home and listen how your parents fight.Yup...So great..

-Just two more months.. Just two freaking fucking months.....Arghtttt...- I feel so angry..Who the hell decided that is better for us that school starts at 8 o'clock?! I mean who likes that he's not normal, obvious.

I still don't want to go in the bathroom.It's so far from my bed,and my bed is so here.I am not lazy persone,I just don't want to leave this warm,full of love bed.But I have to.

I stand up and walk  to the bathroom and take a shower..I let hot water relax my muscles and take off the sweats and dirty from the night.When I walk out from the shower cold air made hairs on my arms and neck to raise.I wiped my body with towel and walk back in room.

I stand in front of my little closet and look at all clothes I have.There are things that I wear sometimes,things I never wear and my new things.On the end I decided what to wear..I get black skiny jeans and white top.

My favorite part : make up! I love do the make up part.I am good at that.I guess that is 'cause I know with the colors.Or maybe not? I love colors,and I can't understand when people can have a 'favorite' color.In my case,I love every color.From black to red,pink,violet....There are so many shades of colors.

I can't live without make up..I need eaven mascara if I want to feel pretty.Every girl need a make up to feel like a princess.I don't know why,but it is like that.I am jelaous on every girl who can go out without make up,and can feel pretty without it.I can't..When you start with make up,you can't stop.You think that people will be disapointed when they see you without any make up so you don't eaven try..

Some eye liner, mascara and red lipstick...Voila! I looked a girl in the mirror.

She have large almost rounded brown eyes with long black eyelashes and her look is telling that she is still sleeping.Long brow hair which is on the end blond (It's called ombre) and she is smiling.It's some kind of kreepy smile.

I looked at the clock.. Hell no!  It's 7:48...I'm going to be late.. I'm in such a big mess..

Anna stop talking to yourself and hurry up if you don't want that ashole of your teacher punishment you! Holly crap!

I run from the house and get in my black porche..I know what are you thinking now..Every girl have red or pink car,but i'm not every girl. I'm Anna Marry Smith and i'm going to be so late..Shit!
I started the car with their usualy kreepy sound like they are coughing.I think that I need new car.But I don't have money for new car,so I need to be satisfied with my old car.

My first class is math,and trust me that professor hate me.

One more time left and I made it.I founded the empty parking space on the remotest part of the parking lot  and park the car.I take my school bag and locked the car with one barely audible 'peep'..I run so fast and skipp three steps that i couldn't even recognize myself.. WOW Anna that was awesome! Cool..

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