Chapter 8

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Your pov.

Namjoon dropped me home and I keep grinning like a total idiot. I keep humming my favorite song as I walk into my room.

"AHHH!" I let out a high pitch scream.

"AHHHH!!" Taehyung let out his monster scream.

"TAE! What are you doing here?" I sighed in relief but still holding my beating heart that almost fall out of my chest.

"I'm bored staying at home alone! I don't know what to do and you went out so... here I am trying to make some origami but I failed" He pouted and curls himself into a ball on my floor with some crumbled papers around him.

 here I am trying to make some origami but I failed" He pouted and curls himself into a ball on my floor with some crumbled papers around him

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"You know how many girls are willingly to go out with you right?"

"But I just want you" He gives me that cute innocent smile of his.

I shake my head and place the books that Namjoon bought for me into my bookshelves. But then my eyes caught a black bag beside of my desk. It is Taehyung's. Why did he bring his bag here?

"Why is your bag here?"

Taehyung sits up straight and looks at me innocently. "Hoseok hyung will stayover at Jin hyung's place so I can stayover here with you.. he said"

I nodded my head. It's not like this is his first time staying over at my place anyways. I feel safe around him.

I excused myself as I get up to take a shower. It's already evening and I asked Taehyung to order some foods for us.

After I'm done showering, I get out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around my hair. I walk to the living room and see Taehyung is watching anime while eating some chips.

"I want some!" I jumped onto the couch beside him and grab his chips.

"You should get yourself!" Taehyung sighed then he looked at me in shock.

He keeps staring at me weirdly. I followed where his eyes landed at and I just realized he's been staring on my neck.

"What are you staring at?"

Taehyung leans closer and closer to me. So close until I could feel his breath on my face. But then his warm hand touches my bare neck.

He looks at me in the eyes. Somehow the feeling is different. Something in his eyes are telling me that he is angry.

"Who did this to you?" Taehyung's voice changed. He always used his lighter tone to me but now, his voice becomes deeper and husky.

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